
Renowned speaker and author, Ann Graham Lotz, feels that the "end is near".  Conservative Christian political groups are urgently pushing their agenda's in the upcoming Presidential elections.  The media hails Bruce Jenner as a hero and Josh Duggar as a demon (no opinion on either).  Joel Olsteen tells of how one can achieve their best life now.  And our nation's President preaches tolerance and equality for the Christian and Muslim.  I'm left, often, scratching my head.

When I sit in my cozy spot, I pick up my Bible and read things like this:

We possess this precious treasure (the divine light of the Gospel) in (frail, human) vessels of earth, that the grandeur and exceeding greatness of the power may be shown to be from God and not from ourselves.  2 Corinthians 4:7
I am a Christian.  I am someone who at the age of 19 called on Jesus to be my personal Savior.  I recognized my "sin" problem and supernaturally understood Jesus to be my "sin" solution.  I know that at that moment, I became a new person in Christ.  The Holy Spirit took residence in my heart.  I began what is now a 27 year journey into the unimaginable.

I used to be concerned with my behavior:  am I "acting" like a Christian?  Then, my concern became primarily: am I becoming like my Father?  There is a huge difference.  The shift becomes about who I am ... not what I do.

There is a lot of "blame" going around about why the world is the way it is ... good or bad.  My message to Christians is that if you are not pleased with slipping standards, declining morals, an uprising of tolerance ... "be" something.  Recognize that we have the incredible opportunity - because of Who we belong to - to "be" exceedingly great!  When we get out of the way and stop running our own lives - we get to see God "show up" and do works of power (being kind to someone who is different than you ... healing in your emotions ... restored relationships) that are more than we can think or imagine.

something to chew on,
