Enemies (Final)

What do you do when the enemy barricades itself, feels untouchable, and unable to be defeated?  You wait.  And then just when you think you can't wait anymore - you wait some more.

Define your enemy:  memory of a past hurt, an ongoing issue that you can't let go, a pattern of behavior that never ends - enemies.  People are never the enemy.  The enemy is the enemy.  Will the enemy use people?  You betcha!  But those who you think are put on planet earth to destroy you are just pawns.  You see, you have an enemy who prowls around like a lion, seeking someone - YOU - to devour.  Sounds pretty hard core to me.

Judges 9 - one man's rebellion and his tactics to try to fight on his own - concludes my series on "enemies".  There was trouble - as in "right here in River City with a capital "T" that rhymes with trouble" kind of trouble.  The enemy retreated into a strong tower and was out of reach from the one trying to do the capturing.

Feel like the story of your life?  How long have you chased a certain enemy?  Weeks?  Months?  Years?  I've got to be honest and say this body image thing is one of those "how long is this gonna go on" kind of enemies.  Yet ...I still choose to do battle.  I still go into the ring, fists lifted, and eyes focused.

I love a good recap, so let's recap:

  • There will always be an enemy.
  • I fight from a position of victory.
  • There is value in the battle.
  • Enemies allow me to ask myself two questions:
  • "Will I believe God?"
  • "Will I obey God?"
  • Avoid the freak out by crying out to God.
  • God wants to be the One to fight my battles.
  • Comply to God's way to fight.
  • Wait for His promise.
  • Continue to chase.
This morning as I was feeling too tired to chase this long, never-ending, ongoing, been going on way too long, is this ever gonna end "enemy" of body image, I ran across this:  "The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped.  My heart leaps for joy, and I will give thanks to him in song."  Psalm 28:7

What a fitting end to a series on enemies.  As I type words and see principles revealed, God not only uses those words for others but also for the one doing the writing.  Bless my heart, I needed a tangible reminder that God - despite feeling like an enemy of poor body image has locked itself in a tall tower - still has a plan.  I'm not alone.  He will/is fighting.  And just to prove my words true and His ability to move in the middle of my life - He gives me yet another promise like Psalm 28:7.  

Continuing the chase until the victory comes,
