Memory Lane

A catholic church in our old neighborhood

This past week I took a trip down memory lane. When we first arrived in Vienna, we lived in a charming flat in an equally charming district.  Little did we know how that charming flat would be a safe haven from the world around us.  Complete with a proper private garden,  two private terraces,  we also boasted of a shared Hoff (a large gathering space), and lots of quiet.  What felt so "foreign" to us (urban living) was actually a very gracious introduction of what was to come.  Where we live now is smack in the middle of town, lots of traffic, no outside space, and constant noise.  But then ... O sweet bliss of that charming flat.

What we also experienced in that charming flat was a lot of stress.  Stress of learning a language, adapting to a new culture, acclimating to a new school system, and discovering the inner workings of an organizations dynamics.  As with most of life experiences, in the middle of sweetness was a smattering of sour.

This week, as I rode the Strassenbahn (Streetcar) through what once was "home", I could not stop smiling.  There were new buildings erected and old buildings being demolished or being restored.  There was a familiarity about the place I once called home but no sense of the pain that lingered in the air from the past.  Those buildings were such a physical representation of what has taken place in our family's lives since those days:  new things being built, old things being demolished or being restored.

If we belong to Christ, all things are made new.  It's a basic tenement of Christian belief.  There's a certain economy in Christ that makes the old new and the new spring up from ashes.  It doesn't relegate us to wallowing in junk.  We can, if we choose.  And sadly a lot of people who have placed their faith in Christ choose not to believe that He is a master builder and restorer of all things! ALL things - relationships, career, dreams, finances, health.

It was a joy this week to traverse old territory.  It was a gift to be reminded of a living God doing real things.

Memory lane is nice place to visit,
