Olive Trees

Recently, I did a little research on olive trees.  Wanna know what I found out:

  • they are known for their tenacity; they can grow in almost any condition
  • they thrive in great heat
  • they are virtually indestructible
  • it is said you can never kill an olive tree; even when cut down or burned, new shoots will emerge from its roots (pray4zion.org)


"But I am like an olive tree, thriving in the House of God."  Psalm 52:8-9

If I believed this to be true, I would act differently.

  • If I believed that I was like an olive tree, I would be known for my tenacity - growing in almost any condition.  Any condition?  Yep - any.  
  • If I believed that I was like an olive tree, I would be known to thrive in great heat.  GREAT heat - that means the big stuff in life.  
  • If I believed that I was like an olive tree, I would be virtually indestructible.  My conviction, dedication, drive could not be shattered!  
  • If I believed I was like an olive tree, I could be cut down or burned but a new shoot would always emerge.  From my roots, whatever was thrown at me, would spring up and always produce something new.

Why don't we who call ourselves followers of Christ live more like olive trees?  I believe we don't believe what we've been created to do by the One who did the creating!  He said THRIVE.  Not survive, get by, squeak through but THRIVE!

What does thriving look like for you?  Because of where we live, I hear stories all the time of those who have overcome great hardships due to their plight as refugees.  It's heartbreaking.  It's inspiring.  Yet, if left to my own flesh, I can't thrive enough to get off the couch and work out!

Notice I said "if left to my own flesh"?  The good news is that God who formed me also sealed me with His Holy Spirit.  Within me is left the gift of the Holy Spirit who knows how to thrive!  How do I access this great secret weapon?  I ask!  "Holy Spirit, help me."

I know you may be sick of hearing my plight as a middle-aged women going through "the change".  Get over it.  It's my blog and this is my issue.  Recently, I went to the doctor - finally.  I had been putting it off and putting it off and finally I succumbed to actually making an appointment.  I'm waiting for test results to point me toward an action step.  But, in the middle of facts that point toward ill health, imbalance, and pain, I am choosing to thrive.

[Insert side note:  There is no cancer or other "bad" news just things that are "normal" for a "woman of my age".  Call me, private message me for more details.]

I'll be honest, I've spent a little time in the pitty party room.  It was fun for awhile, but then it just got more ... pitiful!  I've spent some time with Jesus.  I've read God's word.  I've heard from the Holy Spirit.  I'm to THRIVE.

Today marks week four of working out 3x a week.  I'm doing what I know is good for my body.  In the midst of facts that would give me great excuses to stay in bed I'm choosing another way ... God's way.

It's day by day.  It's often moment by moment.  But just like other muscles in our body, so too is our faith.  The more we excersice faith in what God says and not what our flesh screams we strengthen that muscle.  The more we strengthen that faith muscle the more we move from believing facts to believing God's truth.  Truth trumps facts - every time!!

Getting off the couch,
