Investing in a Treasure Box

Yesterday I ignored time.  For my melancholy personality - the lover of planning, timing and schedules - this was an intentional act of friendship.

I have a dear "friend".  I call her my friend but I'm not sure there really is a title fitting for what I have with my Maria.  She is younger than I am so therefore I am a Mentor.  But, because of our similar experiences in life, we are somewhat like Kindred Spirits.  Yet, I've walked down paths ahead of her and there are times where I feel like a Mother.  And yet, because of our common bond in Jesus, when we talk of Him, there is a sense of being Sisters.  Despite what title I attribute to my Maria, she is mine.  Do you know what I mean?  Mine?  That sense of knowing deeply and being known by another person.

Because mentoring is a passion that has now become a life calling, I can't help but seek after younger women in whom I can pour out my life.  I started doing that with the three most important younger women in my life -  the three lovelies I get to call daughters.  That now extends into relationships that have grown into beautiful treasures in my life.  Maria is one of the gems in my treasure box.

Take time to develop relationships.  I know that life seasons often make it hard to really invest.  If you are a young Mom, bless your heart, your hands are full.  However, you are learning lessons and gaining wisdom in the middle of changing diapers and wiping butts that will impact a young Mom in the future.  Take time to call an older friend.  Breath.  Remember that you have precious treasures living in your home that you have been given the blessing of mentoring.  You get the chance to pour your life DNA into these little humans for whom God has big plans.

Older woman, look around you.  Who has been put in your circle of life?  I can almost guarantee that there is a younger woman who could use your advice, prayers, muffins, wisdom and perspective.  When I was a young woman, I prayed for years for someone to take me under her wing.  I so desired to be known by another woman.  Evenly, God answered my prayer but I had to go looking for it.  Be someones answer to prayer.  You've got time.  Invest.

Women need women.  Single.  Married.  Divorced.  Labels have little bearing when it comes to impacting another woman.  It takes time.  Start slow.  Grab a coffee and ask an open-ended question.  Be intentional.  Grab another coffee and share a current struggle.  I promise you it has the potential of turning into a day that you set the clock on hold and enjoy the beauty of friendship.

Humans don't make time - generally - for the things that elevate our souls and make us fit for life.  We do make time for meaningless Facebook posts, social media rants, news that depresses, chores that must be done, boxes that need ticked ... but seldom are intentional about caring for our souls.  Take time back.  Tell time where you want it to be invested.

I did that yesterday.  I have no regrets.  I'm planning on another day with my Maria.

Investing in a treasure box of relationships,
