She's Coming Home!

A few blog posts ago, I penned my journey of faith concerning my oldest coming home for Christmas.  This was the goal.  Yet, in lieu of her sister, Parker, graduating from High School in June 2018, we were not sure how finances would allow for a trip home twice this year.  We laid the request at the feet of a good Father.  We asked for both.  We were settled with His decision.

She's coming home for Christmas.
She's also coming home for Graduation.

Let me say that again:  SHE'S COMING HOME FOR GRADUATION!

We run a nonprofit.  Our salary is graciously supported by private donors.  We have what we need.  We trust God for the rest.  "The rest" this year was in the form of two Boarding passes for Addison to travel from her home in Oklahoma to our home in Vienna.

A Christmas ticket was provided by air miles we had accrued on our credit card and a generous gift.  A Graduation ticket was provided this week ... a generous couple who love my daughter wanted to bless her in this way.

God has me on a journey of faith.  At my age, having walked through many times of waiting for Him to provide what seemed to be the impossible, you think I would have a rock-solid, unwavering, unshakable, deep down, I ain't movin' from this spot kind of faith.  Yet, faith is a living, growing thing that ... grows.  It grows when needs arise.  It isn't reduced by our lack of wondering how it will all work out.  It is only tested to believe - again - for that "thing" that seems too far from our reach but never out of reach from the One who loves us.

A plane ticket today.
Tomorrow it will be something else.

There are other things on the horizon that I know will grow my faith.  That is for another day and another blog.  Stay tuned ... they're big.

But for today, I smile and rest and feel content that God answered another prayer.  My faith has grown.  My girl is packing.  And I am at peace.

Miracle Grow for the Soul!

She's coming home,
