One-way Plane Tickets

I've started hunting for plane tickets for our summer return.  For the past three summers, I've  embarked on this routine: search for best prices, juggle calendars to determine the best departure and return dates, and book.  But this year, I'm selecting one-way journeys on my search engines.  The first time I clicked that little button (that is the second choice when conducting a search by the way), my heart quivered.  It's one thing to make a statement by faith.  It's another thing to take a step of faith.

We are not unique to taking steps of faith.  Millions upon millions of others have left home and country to start new lives in places that seem unfamiliar.  My goodness, we are in the "blessed" category!  We are not fleeing due to civil war, national crisis, or refugee status.  We are simply relocating back to a place we once called home.

Because we know we are stepping into unknown waters based on a directive from God that others have confirmed and affirmed, there is a certain amount of wonder in the whole process.  I'm not letting myself land in places that God has not promised.  I refuse to open that scary door in my imagination that lets fear, doubt, and "What are you thinking?" thoughts run in like a herd of wild horses.  God's done too much in our hearts and has given us too many promises to cheapen this experience by letting that junk creep in.

I love how Mary (the Mother of Jesus) - when told what plans God had for her - reacted.  How can this be?  It wasn't a statement of doubt that God would not be able to pull this off but rather an honest question of how the plan was going to unfold.  Her questions came with sweet answers from a caring Father.  I've got questions, too.

Because of the expense and quite frankly the quality of most of our IKEA furniture and other household items, we are bringing very little back with us to the U.S.  I'll be honest, there are times, usually at night when I can't sleep, that I ask God a few things ...
How are you going to provide, again, for establishing another household?  I will have no towels.  I will have no silverware. I can't even think about beds, couches, pots and pans.  What about cars?  We'll need cars.  And what about lamps?  Any kind of electric gadgit I have won't work with U.S. electric sockets.  Oh my word, I'm going to have to buy a wash machine, a dryer, a lawn mower.  God, how is this going to work out?
Unlike Mary, I haven't heard a specific plan.  What I have heard is the sound of gentle hands on my head, stroking my hair and whispering ...  It just is.  Trust me.

Booking tickets,
