The Crown of a Princess Warrior
Fickle creature that I am can one day doubt the goodness of a good Creator/Father while the next become a warrior princess belting a victory cry over any and all things that dare take away my courage. It's in princess warrior mode I make declarations that bolster weak faith and strengthen tired resolve to take the next step.
God surrounds us with demonstrations of His love: music, a soft kiss on the forehead from a daughter, a social media post, a whispered prayer, an old note found between torn pages of a well-worn book, a private message from a dear friend. These tangible ways shout out the quiet care of a strong Father. He uses them - all of them - to inject our spirits with His truth.
Belief. His belief in who God is and not who he was gave him all he needed to face his giant.
Lesson noted. What I believe about God when boxes are being packed, hard goodbyes are being whispered, and life being closed on one chapter dictates the victory in which I will attack my giants. As a child of God, I am privy to the strength, wisdom, self-control, and faith that has been deposited in me through His Holy Spirit to push through the reality of facts and propel me into the victory of living abundantly right smack dab in the middle of life.
My giants come in the form of needs: a house, cars, stuff. The reality of my bank account, my ability to earn money, or my projected future income cannot be the thing that determines the giants I slay. I can not listen to the voices around me, the doubting voices within me, or the voices of common sense to determine my outcome. I've walked way too many years, holding the hand of my God, to see His work. Never, ever, has He been predictable. The only predictability in His character is his faithfulness.
Today, this princess warrior, shouts a victory battle cry. I will depend on the one who owns the cattle on a thousand hills to do exceedingly more than I can think or ask.
David had a slingshot.
I have an imaginary crown.