Adventure Awaits!
I feel like going on a little adventure. As a woman, we learn lessons at different seasons in our lives. I am passionate about sharing those lessons with other women, empowering them to be more, do more, and expect more in light of having a little extra wisdom for their journey.
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I'm committed to writing a weekly blog based on some life lessons that are worthy of sharing. If you have a particular area you'd like me to address, please feel free to shoot it my way if you have my personal contact info. If not, simply comment below!
Today's lesson: God's Word is your lifeline.
Today, I finished a one year and 3-month journey of reading the Bible in chronological order in one year. Did you catch that? In January 2018, a dear friend invited me to read through the Bible with her. It was a one-year reading plan. As a person who takes pride in ticking off boxes and sticking to the plan, it irked me that it took me longer than the designed 12 months. However, when I got over myself, I looked at the value of what I had accomplished.
I've always loved God's Word. God so kindly deposited within me a love of reading and studying. Yes, I was that girl in your class who read her homework assignments ... and even read ahead. When I caught the vision that reading was different from studying God's Word, my life transformed dramatically.
What's the difference? A pencil or pen, a notebook, a bit of time, and in my case, a cup of coffee. Reading denotes taking in words for knowledge sake. Good accomplishment. However, studying implies reading for knowledge to be practically applied in real life.
As a young Mom, "studying" may have been 5 minutes in the morning to read one verse. During the day, I'd ask God to show me how to apply that one verse, remind me of that one verse, transform my mind by the power of that one verse smack dab in the middle of life. When I was driving little girls to soccer practice or ballet class or the library, I'd drown out the chatter of their backseat banter and focus on my one verse. What seemed to be small attempts to hide God's Word in my heart bore much fruit.
In this season of my life, I have more time. More time affords more study. What I learned as a young woman, juggling a hectic schedule, disciplined my habits to covet time alone with God.
Here's the deal. There are a lot of words out there. Words have power. If God created the earth and all its mystery through words, I want to harness the power of them!
Use them! Use God's Word's because ... you guessed it ... they have POWER! When I feel ugly, I use God's Word to remind me that I am His masterpiece, created by Him in His image. When I wonder how a situation is going to be resolved, I use God's Word to fight my anxious thoughts by saying what He says: cast your cares on Me because I care for you! I use God's Word like a sword. There are too many lies that I'm sold by the media, my Facebook feed, and my own inner voice that tell me who I am is not enough. You feed what you focus on. Let me say that again because that is so powerful: you feed what you focus on!
Our brains are complex. However, our brains do not have the upper hand. When thoughts run wildly through places I am not designed to go, I have the power - through God's Word - to shut them down!
It's so cool to see God's plan for His Words. In Genesis, God creates by the power of His Words. In Revelation, enemies are defeated by the power of Words. In Revelation 19:11,21, "The Rider of the white horse is called Faithful and True. His name is the Word of God. The [enemies of God] were killed with the sword that came from the mouth to the rider of the horse." The Word destroys enemies.
The enemies in your life - those things that deceive you, despise you, call what is not true about you true and tempt you to chase thoughts that lead to no good - will be defeated through God's Word. Know it. Learn it. And for heaven's sake, use it!
Adventure Awaits,
🙌🏼 🙌🏼 🙌🏼 ♥️