Today's Lesson: Morning Walks Clear Heads
In my young adult years, I suffered from Anxiety. I make it a noun, in capital letters, out of respect. Anxiety was an enemy that has now been defeated. However, because God is good and never wastes anything meant for our demise, I honor it as that thing that put fierce tenacity in my soul towards God's Word.
You see, Anxiety tried to tell me that real is not real and God is weak. Anxiety always raised its head above my circumstances, bullying its way to the top of the list of things to do or things to fear and made itself an honorary dictator. The problem is that self-promotion is false and God is a Rock.
During those years when I battled with Anxiety, and trust me - it was a battle, I learned that taking walks cleared my head. My eyes were forced to see tangible evidence of God's handiwork instead of the piles of laundry and unticked boxes on lists that kept my total attention. My ears were forced to listen to noises other than the voices yammering in my ears like annoying small dogs with high-pitched voices. Outside made everything better inside of me.
This morning, I needed to walk. Anxiety wasn't rearing its ugly and impotent head, but things were getting loud in my brain. So, after letting God's Word sit lightly on the surface of my heart, I took to the streets.
Letting God's Word sit lightly is a good thing. Leaving it there to sit by itself usually ends with dismissal. But when those words sit lightly, they have the power to penetrate in tough places. That's what happened during my walk.
As I unloaded, I kept hearing the Spirit whipser those words back to me that I read this morning: "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14
As I began the dialogue that has become so familiar and priceless to me, it makes sense. Words and mediations can be acceptable to God. Words guided and mediations directed by God's Word are acceptable. But, what happens when they are not? What happens when I have a morning like this morning when it's hard to put fierce trust in God's words because circumstances are distracting me from what I know to be true? I have to filter my own words and thoughts through God's Words and thoughts. I use that Rock, who God says He is, to sustain me and my words and thoughts. I use His redeeming character to know that my words can trust His words because I have been redeemed. My mediations can be redeemed. And when they are junk ... when I forget He is Rock and I am Redeemed, He redeems the words and the thoughts for His good! Oh, my friend, it's a win/win situation!
Unpacking my own thoughts, filtered by what God says, changes my words. I may feel this or that. But, I will speak God's Word as a battle cry because His Words have power, life, and are able to sustain and uplift me like the Rock.
So, let the words of my mouth and the mediation of my heart be acceptable to You, Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer!!
Walking and letting words and thoughts be acceptable,