No More Cheese and Crackers!

I've just finished reading a book entitled, The God I Never Knew, by Robert Morris.  In the last chapter, he tells a story of a poor man in Eastern Europe during the early 1900's.  Seeking a new life in the land of promise, America, he boards a ship to find his dream.  Leaving his family behind and  having no extra money for extravagances like food, he begins his journey with a knapsack of cheese and crackers.

Nightly, he watches as other passengers file into the dining room, enjoying the warm meals that were served.  Knowing he was not able to afford such meals, he retired to his tiny room and ate his cheese and crackers.

Finally, after the 12th day at sea, the Statue of Liberty came into focus on the horizon.  As this poor man stood among the other passengers gazing at their symbol of a new life, a ship steward recognized the man.  Sheepishly the steward asked the man why he had not taken any of his meals with the other passengers.  He didn't mean to pry, but wondered why he gave up the meals that were included in the cost of his ticket.

"We set a place for you at every meal, bu you never came."

Mr. Morris makes a comment after the retelling of this story:
"The opportunity for blessing and provision on his journey had been forever missed."
The poor man didn't know that his meals were covered.  He sacrificed hot meals for crackers and cheese.  He longed for what he saw provided to others and never knew it was offered to him as well.

How about us ... we who say we know God.  God has so much more in store for us than a "cheese and crackers" religion.  It's not about going to church, being good, obeying rules.  Saying "yes" to a relationship with God offers us so much more yet the average Christian, I believe, is saying "I'll stick to the cheese and crackers, thank you."

Fear, preconceived ideas, traditions, unrealistic expectations drive us to tiny rooms that only offer cheese and crackers.  What God - Almighty, Loving and Gracious - has for us is meals in the dining room!  Dare we step out, set aside the cheese and crackers, and enjoy?

throwing away crumbs for more,
