My Teacher

This week I had a profound experience.  As Libby and I sat down to do her homework, she declared that we needed to begin with prayer.  She led the holy words to a loving Father.  As her language of an 11 year-old drifted from vocal chords into the ready ears of God, I sat in awe.  It was a holy moment.

My Libby taught me a whole lot about total dependence on God.  Before we tackled graphs and charts, vocab words, and reading summaries, her soul knew the importance of aligning itself to the true source of all Wisdom and Insight.  She knew only God would give her Momma patience.  She knew only God could diffuse what tends to be a stressful time.

My Libby is not perfect.  Her performance is not perfect.  However, in that tiny moment that she appealed to the Creator and I had the profound opportunity to be present as she petitioned Him ... it revealed a heart that is PERFECT in her position as His child.  She knows from where her strength comes from.

Oh my word ... the things He allows me to learn.

grateful for an 11 year-old teacher,
