Nothing but Rest
This past week has been a week that has been so good for the soul. Our family took a much needed mini-vacation, (due to their requests, no pictures on Facebook. I am the picture taking queen and their small request actually was a big sacrifice for me, however, you'll find no photos!) and my Chris and I attended a wedding.
Leibnitz, Austria is no tourist hub. A quaint village nestled near the Slovakian border, it boasts a population of 2,000, a few small hotels, and a waterpark. In 2012, we took a few days together as a family and found this little slice of heaven. Deciding this would be the perfect reprieve from city life just before boarding the plane to head back to the U.S., we played in the water, ate at the same restuarant 3 nights in a row, and enjoyed long breakfasts on the patio with really good coffee and a whole lot of Nutella (on Libby's part)! What a great decision! Blood preasures dropped, the fun factor rose, and our bodies thrived in the rest of the entire experience.
The wedding we attended yesterday was that of a couple we have been mentoring. The ceremony began at 1 pm followed by a reception that we left from around 3:30 pm. In the company of Herbert and Maria, our Austrian friends, we drove the 25 km treck into the mountains for the reception. Arriving at 4:15 pm, we sat on the terrace overlooking the mountains waiting for the reception to begin at 5 pm. We left at 10:45 pm with a new friend, Markus, when the party was just getting started!
Usually, I write inspired by a particular message or theme or stirring that I know comes from the Holy Spirit. There is a punch line. There is a point. Something to convey. Something to chew on. Today - nothing. I write because I feel inspired simply to say that rest is a beautiful thing. I made observations of my country I live in comparing them to the differences from my home country as only token facts not harsh judgements. I really looked at my children. I held the hand of My Chris. I ate things that I have put on a forbidden list. I walked slower. I read - a lot. I laughed hard. I sat. I prayed not out of urgency or great want but just simple utterances that could only express "thank you". I missed Addison. I heard Parker. I held Libby. Such simple treasures that are so often taken for granted or simply not even taken.
Resting and full,