A Few Things You Should Know About Me Now That I've Been Home
It was good. Oh - my heart - it was good.
My heart could not be more overwhelmed by having many days filled with these three humans. These humans - who happen to be my girls - showered each other with hugs, smooches, snap chats, and tacky comments on wardrobe choices (all in good fun - no hate here!). Collectively they would gang up on me and fire "old" jokes straight to my heart. And lest you think for one minute they are not equal-opportunity-handers-out-of-hard-times, their Dad got his fair share of "You're wearing a fit bit AND a watch?" googly eyes of shame and fashion heresy. It was great. All of it was great! And it went by fast. Way too fast. So fast I'm left scratching my head wondering where exactly did the time go.
It was reflective. Oh - my soul - how I reflected. Every morning spent waking up at parents homes and waiting to have coffee in my PJ's and sit and talk and just look at the faces of one of my parents, I basked in the moment and tried to capture it as a living video in my head that I will replay after I return "home". As I drove by places that held memories of a former life with young girls in size 3T dresses and trips to the library and visits to the doctor, I reflected. Time slips through fingers that don't grasp the brevity of a moment until it's long gone.
I was encouraged. Oh - that place that needed it - how I was encouraged. Meeting with a group of people who partner with us and happen to be called Board Members of Fahrenheit encouraged me in my life's work. Having eight individuals see a larger vision for a greater purpose fueled my creative juices and fired a drive within to do the next thing. Meeting with a young woman who I have not seen in a few years make such progress in her personal life that she is launching into a new stage propelled me to see the bigger picture of mentoring and encouraged me to continue do the thing that I know I've been called to do. And seeing my girl - that Addie - find a faith community that has embraced her and she them grew my heart and my faith. I loved those who love her. For them I am forever grateful.
I was fed - oh my stomach and my heart - I was fed. Conversations with women who I call my "tribe" fed my heart and reminded me of who I am and who I am not. Hearing the year in review of their journeys with God, what they discovered about Him and themselves, left me hungering for more. Reuniting with old friends who have left deep indention's in my heart was an unexpected surprise and vitamin boost. Laughter, tears, observations over the dinner table with family members enlarged my foundation of home and made me even more grateful for that little thing called "blood". Insights from mentors and friends over chips and salsa that peered into my heart and dared to point out the deeper things ... no words.
And then ... the friends that I simply did not have time to meet with, the things on my imaginary list of things I wanted to try to do that flat out didn't get done, the phone calls I missed or the Target runs that didn't get made ... I just leave to God's timing and trust Him. On this eve of boarding another plane to go "home" to a place that I live and work and do life separate from a "home" here ... where so many I love and keep captive in my heart live and work and do life ... it's a weird thing. I call this a life divided ... yet totally at peace with the division. Knowing that life is short, calling is paramount, and obedience brings blessing - I hand my boarding pass to another airline worker and do the next thing. For now ...
Leaving "home" to go "home",
I was encouraged. Oh - that place that needed it - how I was encouraged. Meeting with a group of people who partner with us and happen to be called Board Members of Fahrenheit encouraged me in my life's work. Having eight individuals see a larger vision for a greater purpose fueled my creative juices and fired a drive within to do the next thing. Meeting with a young woman who I have not seen in a few years make such progress in her personal life that she is launching into a new stage propelled me to see the bigger picture of mentoring and encouraged me to continue do the thing that I know I've been called to do. And seeing my girl - that Addie - find a faith community that has embraced her and she them grew my heart and my faith. I loved those who love her. For them I am forever grateful.
I was fed - oh my stomach and my heart - I was fed. Conversations with women who I call my "tribe" fed my heart and reminded me of who I am and who I am not. Hearing the year in review of their journeys with God, what they discovered about Him and themselves, left me hungering for more. Reuniting with old friends who have left deep indention's in my heart was an unexpected surprise and vitamin boost. Laughter, tears, observations over the dinner table with family members enlarged my foundation of home and made me even more grateful for that little thing called "blood". Insights from mentors and friends over chips and salsa that peered into my heart and dared to point out the deeper things ... no words.
And then ... the friends that I simply did not have time to meet with, the things on my imaginary list of things I wanted to try to do that flat out didn't get done, the phone calls I missed or the Target runs that didn't get made ... I just leave to God's timing and trust Him. On this eve of boarding another plane to go "home" to a place that I live and work and do life separate from a "home" here ... where so many I love and keep captive in my heart live and work and do life ... it's a weird thing. I call this a life divided ... yet totally at peace with the division. Knowing that life is short, calling is paramount, and obedience brings blessing - I hand my boarding pass to another airline worker and do the next thing. For now ...
Leaving "home" to go "home",