Take a Pill

For years, I have learned what my body needs to funtion anxiety free.  Yep, I said it, ANXIETY FREE!  If you are a newcomer to my blog, you must know that I have suffered from anxiety for years (to get the whole shabang check out the archives under ANXIETY).  However, because God is a Healer, I also know that I have been healed from the effects of ANXIETY, renderring it powerless.

However, from time to time, when hormones flux and body chemistry gets all fouled up, ANXIETY can make a little trip to my brain.  Instead of freak out, break down, and disabling fear, I pop a pill.  Don't get me wrong, there were a lot of years of the freak out, break down and disabling fear - a lot - but there has also been a process that God has used in my life to take all the power away.  

My daughter, who is 13-years-old, has also had to deal with ANXIETY.  One of the things I taught her early on was to mentally remind herself of what was going on within her brain.  I made a sign that still hangs by her door that says the following:

  • I am healed!
  • Satan is stupid.
  • Stop!  
    • Pray and ask Jesus to help you.
    • Do something different.

The brain is a fickle organ.  It can only (basically) do one thing at a time.  It needs to be reminded that these chemicals called ANXIETY can be healed by a good God.  

The brain also needs a reminder that Satan - our enemy - is stupid.  If he's used ANXIETY in the past to shake us off foundations and rattle our core, he'll do it again.  Why not?  If it worked the first time, try and try again.    Realizing that he is using chemicals to war against us is actually quiet freeing.  These thoughts that freak you out - chemicals.  You are not a bad person.  You can't pray enough, be good enough, ask forgiveness enough, do _______ enough.  It's chemicals. Just chill out, sister.  Your enemy is trying to make more of this than it is.  Breathe.

Then - stop. STOP. S-T-O-P thinking about whatever you are thinking about that makes you freak out!  When I first began this process, I would actually say the word "Stop" out loud. (Kinda embarrassing when you are in the check-out line in Walmart).  It got my attention.  It forced my brain to stop thinking one direction and stand up and take notice.  When I would stop the anxiety producing thoughts, I would pray.  Sometimes with lots of conviction and steam.  Sometimes with little to no breath.  But pray, nonetheless, I would.  Big, long prayers if I was on my game.  "Help" uttered with breathy gasps if it was tough.  

Then, I would do something different.  If I was in my house, I'd go outside.  If I was cooking, I'd take a minute to go wash my face.  

I won't lie.  Sometimes this process would repeat itself several times a day.  It was hard work.  But it worked.  Not because it was a magic formula that somehow released some sort of cosmic energy but because I was inviting the God of the universe to actively participate and interject Himself, His Power and His Healing into my situation.  

And, I took a pill.  After many years of panic attacks and taking Zanax (that made me feel like a zombie) I discovered a homeopathic tablet called Sepia 6c.  You can google all about it but let me just give a word of "go out and buy this now if you or someone you know suffer from Anxiety".  When I felt anxious, I popped a pill and within minutes I felt like a normal human.  I give this to my daughter.  It's a natural and practical way I've learned to use what God has allowed someone to create to bring healing to my brain.

I am not a doctor or a homeopathic practitioner.  I just use the stuff.  And it works.

I feel like there are so many women who suffer with ANXIETY, but do so in private.  I came out of the closet a long time ago.  Now, I eagerly share my past struggles with new friends.  I love to pass on advice, strategies, and methods of coping that have gotten me to the point that ANXIETY may visit from time to time, but it's a past chapter that no longer disrupts normal life.

If you'd like to contact me live and in person, I'd love to chat.  ANXIETY can be part of your history.  Trust me!  I'm an ANXIETY Historian!!

check me out on Facebook:  Christina Poe Elledge

Taking a pill when I need it - with no guilt,
