Take Another Pill

Here are some absolute truths that I know:
1.  God heals
2.  God heals in His time
3.  God heals in His way

I have experienced God's healing with Anxiety and therefore have a story to tell.  However, how God has chosen to heal me from the effects of Anxiety may not look like how He's done it with others.  When I tell my story, it's my story.  Because God isn't a cookie-cutter-vending machine, He is creative and works differently with different people.  Ha, He's God for Pete sake!  God, who fashioned every person walking on planet earth, with unique DNA, personality traits and quirks, and each with his or her own purpose to fulfill.  

I mentioned that I have found a homeopathic pill (Sepia) that has helped me navigate the rough waters of Anxiety with the onset of hormonal shifts.  What I may not have also said it that this is one of many ways God has brought pills and information into my life to set me free from the crippling effects of Anxiety.

Again, I must preface what I'm about to say with the backstory of:  it's been a long journey.  When Anxiety first raised it's ugly head, I freaked out, finally went to the doctor, who prescribed me a pill - Paxal.  It stopped the madness and I kept taking the pill, however,  there were unpleasant side effects so after about a year and a half of pill popping, I stopped.  

Fast forward a few years when Anxiety really raised it's ugly head.  I tried homeopathic treatments.  I tried more pills.  I tried diet.  I tried vitamins.  After years of seeing what worked and what didn't, I landed on a cocktail of a pill plus several vitamins that balances hormones, settles chemicals, and releases serotonin to keep me on my game and normal.  

Why the total disclosure?  Pills are not God's secondary healing.  Healing is healing.  

Do not live in fear, shame or guilt if you pop a pill.  You're in good company, friend!  If God directs you (and for the record, you know when it's God directing you and when it's you trying to find an answer) to the right pill that does the trick - rejoice!  

I just feel like someone needs to say it.  I have enough faith to believe that God could heal me of anything.  He could speak the word over my brain and instantly line up all that is wrong.  He didn't when it first came knocking at my door; He led me to people, research and doctors and gave me - a pill.

Still popping,
