Politics, Facebook and Bugs

For those of you who read my blog and do not happen to live in the United States, let me offer a disclaimer to the following:  It's all about America.  Principles apply but specifics to my native country are spoken of in a need to express building aggravation and rumbling disturbances toward my own countrymen - and women.

May I also say to those who happen to live in the United States or hold a passport from my beloved homeland, this is not a personal attack on you - unless the shoe fits - but rather broad, general observations based mainly on Facebook posts, media reports, and the reactions from evangelicals toward both.  If you do not consider yourself an evangelical Christian, enjoy the attack.  If you do - proceed.

I can barely check Facebook without wanting to throw up.  One minute people express profound allegiance to God and country and the next they tear down political parties, platforms and candidates with rabid dog-like voracity.  The Cubs win, Hillary is a criminal, Trump is a pervert, but Jesus is Lord.  I get it.  Perhaps all are true, but where is the value in communicating accurately Christian values in a less-than-perfect society?  Why must we all jump on a band wagon?  Where are those who reserve ethical decorum, speak truth in love, and respect humanity?  Must we all throw pitch forks at an opposing side?

The country's going to hell if _____________ is elected.  Our only hope is if ___________ is elected.  You are not a true Christian if you elect _______________.  Give me a break!!  Yes, major supreme court appointments will be made by the next President of the United States.  Yes, party platforms support opposite moral issues that will affect millions.  But people - it didn't happen overnight.  Obama has not single-handily brought down America.  Whatever shape our country finds itself is the cause of we, the people, of the United States of America.

There are countless videos of popular pastors saying God is the hope of America.  Relax.  Come November 9th, God is still on the throne.  They are followed by millions of evangelicals who will promptly share, like, and move on with their lives.  THIS, this is where I take offense.

Because someone "respected" has said it, we believe it and find peace and move on.  But wait, what if that person is later discovered to have a flaw?  Then we all find another to rally behind ... until ... God forbid ... another flaw pops up.  And so the cycle continues.

What if each evangelical quit posting on Facebook and started going to THE BOOK to discover how God looks at us, our friends, our enemies, our politics, and then began to shift lifestyle patterns accordingly?  Novel.  I think that's what Jesus modeled when he put on an earth suit, roamed around planet earth intentionally doing for 3 years.

I do have a point ... stay with me.  I am not a political person.  I find flaws in our system.  I scratch my head and see things that do not work.  But, in these systems I do not base my hope.  I will vote.  I will contribute.  I will follow the rules.  But, I will not put my hope in an elected official to solve all that is broken.  For way too long, in my humble opinion, American evangelicals have relied on certain candidates (or parties) to uphold our values thinking all will be O.K.  We've put our hope in them, have gone about our business, and not taken seriously our freedoms nor the advantages we have living in a prosperous country.  We have not realized the power we hold as a faith community to unify ourselves under the direction of the Holy Spirit to effect change on the larger society.  We have forgotten the power of the message we claim to build our lives upon.  Twelve unqualified men who were transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit effected changed on ... the world.  THE WORLD!  And, they did it without Facebook.

What's the answer?  What if we stopped pointing the finger and started looking at what we were placed on the planet to do:  love God, love people.  I was created to know how much God loves me ... and then be a change agent for my generation.  Out of love, I can effect others.  Love does not NOT disagree.  I disagree with most of my Facebook friends on one level or another.  But love speaks the truth.  Love admits a moral absolute.  Love desires to share.  Love embraces differences without condemnation.  Love changes everything.

I'm not talking about Mamby-pamby weak love that lays down and lets others walk all over them.  I'm talking about fierce love that challenges corruption, turns over tables in places they have no business being set up and standing for something.  I believe more people would be drawn to a mighty, loving God if we who call ourselves His children understood what we have at our fingertips.  Light attracts bugs.  That's all I'm saying.

Loving bugs,
