Jet Lag and Other Irritants that Don't Seem so Bad in the Morning

Traveling from the U.S. back to Vienna always throws us into a sleep depraved, wild-eyed frenzy.  I don't know what it is about traveling from West to East that sets our body clocks into a whirlwind but it does ... every time.

I thought Jet Lag would not have it's ugly claws on me this time.  This time, the first day upon arriving, I slept ... all day.  Then, I slept all night.  Miracle of miracles.

Yesterday, I woke at a normal time.  I did my day in full coherent mode.  I went to bed at a normal bedtime.  And then I woke up ... at 2:30 a.m. ... and stayed awake ... until 7:00 a.m. ... and then dozed ... and then woke up ... and then slept ... until waking at 2:00 pm not knowing what day it was.  Jet Lag.  You are awful.  I often hate you.

Here's what Jet Lag does - as it did in the wee morning hours of today - it messes with my brain.  I had two What's App conversations with my dearest Addison and my Chris.  News of stress and stressful situations weighed on my soul as heavy as the Rock of Gibraltar.  Somehow the darkness of the night equaled itself to the darkness of some life situations.  In my head I knew these were not major, there was a silver lining, God was still on the throne and new Mercies will pour out like fresh coffee in the morning ... but in those wee hours ... I grabbed for hope and it seemed to be a little out of reach.

After sleep, these things seemed so minor.  All that got blown out of shape retreated to their proper places.  Good coffee, good time alone, good conversation with the One that knows me best and all is well.

You can't land on where your mind takes you ... unless your mind is resting in that place of peace in Jesus.  Jet Lag battles my mind.  Jesus is bigger than Jet Lag.

Settling in,
