Billy Graham

The death of Billy Graham has got me to thinking.  In every clip, newsreel, video montage, newly recorded song in ode to this Evangelist, it is apparent what the mission ... the life's call ... of this man was:  to make Jesus known.

Presidents, politicians, freedom fighters, communists, actors, Larry King ... they all listened to this humble man with his controversial message.  Why?  Was it because it was consistent?  Was it because he was a man of integrity?  Was it because he had a great accent?  Why?

As I survey the modern religious movement, at least from my perspective, there are messages of Grace, Hope, Love, and how to live above the fray of "this life".  These are good - great - messages.  There are songs that elevate the name of Jesus led by modern humans.  Great.  I am moved and can enter into worship through their very gifted voices and lyrics.  There are cool pastors, trendy churches, and new approaches to doing the Christian life that excels and touches lives.  I'm not knocking any of this ... hooray!  However, I get the sinking feeling that all of this ... all of it ... sometimes walks a fine line in trying too hard to be too inclusive, nonjudgemental and relative to those who reject the basic tenement of faith that we miss the message of Jesus.

Have we settled on a message that elevates us (the messenger) and not the message?  I think that's the appeal, the effectiveness, the draw to Mr. Graham.  The man was secondary, the message primary.

My life's work is to help others know Jesus.  I do this through mothering, through mentoring, through writing, through my life.  It's caused me to examine with a close eye - not a critical eye - the clarity of which I am communicating Jesus.  How often do I strive to be relevant over truthful?  How many times do I shrink back from a conversation that upholds an absolute truth in favor of a more tolerant approach?  Just things to think about as I examine what might be said of me at the end of this life.  I want more people to know Jesus because of this voice and not more people to know Christina.

Thank you, Billy Graham, for a life about Jesus,
