Explosive Faith
"It may look like I'm surrounded but I'm surrounded by you." - Ellysa Smith
"Through You, we drive back our foes; through Your name, we trample our enemies." - Psalm 44:5
This morning as I was battling a horrible headache, an upper respiratory "thing", bad hair and cold toes, I read about a Father - my Father - who battles for me. At first, I had to clear the clutter of my physical ailments and push into the deeper things. The deeper things in my heart hold a dream for a place of our own called Fahrenheit House. Fahrenheit House will be a place for people to come to find refuge in a crazy world. It will be a place to lay your head for a few days and find that still, small voice of the One who loves you like crazy. It will be a place we can hold intimate conferences on how to know the One who loves us more than we can think or imagine. It will be a place where young couples come to strengthen marriages over cups of good coffee.
It will be ... but it's not yet.
It's just a dream placed in the hearts of me and my Chris for two years that we've put legs to in the form of faith.
I gotta be honest. I don't pretend to know God's immediate plan, but I have a great hope in one particular house here in Norman. It meets the criteria of what we believe God wants for such a place. The only problem is the price and our lack of resources.
However, most days, those obstacles don't phase me. That's how I know this dream of Fahrenheit House is from God and not from the rather imaginative places in my brain. I've come to realize that when God deposits a dream within you, it's usually so crazy only He can do it.
I've got it on good authority that this is usually the way He does things. Check out his track record:
- saves the world from a flood by asking one man to build a huge boat/zoo and brings the animals from all over the world two by two
- speaks to a rebel Hebrew raised by Egyptian adoptive parents through a bush that seems to be on fire but isn't and asks him to bring millions of his Isreal countrymen out of the hands of a powerful Pharaoh
- supernaturally orchestrates events so that a young virgin will give birth to His Son
- allows His Son to feed 5,000 plus with a boys lunch of 5 fish and 2 loaves of bread
- delegates 12 men who are just ordinary humans to spread the message of an extraordinary Father's forgiveness and restoration through His Son
God does big things in big ways through small avenues. And since that is true, I want explosive faith. I want the kind of faith that explodes through any human understating that is contrary to God's truth. The kind of faith that illuminates, like a lantern, my steps and sees the impossible as possible.
Explosive faith doesn't come by chance. It's active. It's deliberate. It's not based on what I see, what I can do, what I can manipulate, what I can orchestrate, what I can fabricate. It's based only on the power of what God can do.
When it looks like I'm surrounded by obstacles, doubt, reality, God can do the work. When it looks like the thing that is between me and my dream is too big, it's God who can work on my behalf and turn the impossible into possible.
Explosive faith says "I can't ... but YOU can."
Explosive faith isn't a blind claim of absurd things. Explosive faith puts action into what God's Word says. He says I can't trust in my own ways but I can trust in His ways (Psalm 42:4-8). So, when I practice explosive faith, I trust Him to bring the finances for a dream of a house that seems out of my reach so that He can use it to bless people and I can pour cup after cup of good coffee and brag on what my Father did on my behalf.
Letting faith explode,