Writing has become an act of obedience. At its core, it has become an act of creativity born from the inner nudging from the Holy Spirit. I write when I feel ... pardon the absolute cliche of this next statement ... led to write. Truly, I only write when I feel it. When I've written and not felt it, I can tell. There is no power, no umph, no "me" in the black and white letters that form words that should communicate thoughts and feelings. It's just flat out dead.
Since setting European feet on Oklahoma soil June 28, 2018, our bodies, minds, and spirits have been at work and at rest. We've all traveled the waters of transition in different boats but have been linked together by our family bond of kindred alikeness. We've all seen transition settle around us and we've all watched each other settle into new patterns.
One of the most surprising things we've seen is how the transition into a new normal has appeared, at least from my perspective, to be accelerated. Accelerate. That's my word. That's the word from a good Father for this season in our lives. Accelerate.
I'm generally not a "see the glass half empty" kind of gal but I must admit that I expected our season of transition into normal to last ... a while. What I've experienced has been quite the opposite. We bought a main car for our family much quicker than I expected. We found a church community much quicker than I expected. The girls found friends much quicker than I expected. Fahrenheit's U.S. momentum and the building of a stateside presence has come much quicker than I expected. Picking up with old friends has been much quicker than I expected.
Acceleration doesn't mean without effort. Acceleration doesn't mean without thought. Acceleration doesn't mean chance alignment of events or circumstances. Acceleration doesn't mean lucky. Acceleration has been the outcome, first and foremost, of blessing. There is no other reason for the acceleration other than the divine blessing of a good Father. I feel like there were some pretty definite prayers, asking for specifics, and believing God keeps His promises going into this transition. For whatever reason, God has accelerated this process. This has been an Ephesians 3:20 kind of transition.
But, what if your transition/crisis/set of circumstances isn't being accelerated? What then? What if you want to say to me, "Good for you. Glad it's going that way for you. My transition is not going so well, Pollyanna." I get it. Quite frankly, I've been there. There have been seasons in my life when the transition left me feeling alone, abandoned, afraid or attacked. Transition only comes with one promise: I will never leave you or forsake you. Transition may be painful or pretty. Either way, the One leading you, guiding you, taking you through it never changes. Never.
How do I know? In my 50 years on the planet and over 30 of them walking with God, Himself, He has never ever left me. Never.
Being accelerated,
This was so encouraging!