Catching Up

Chris and I started Language School. The most excited we look is when we enter the building ... it's down hill after that! Here is a picture of Chris in front of our school. For being in torture for 3 hours a day, we sure do have an amazing atmosphere in which to suffer! Ha,ha! That big thing the background is a famous tourist attraction, Karl's Church. There's a wonderful park surrounding the area. Not that we see it because we are great students and would never, ever hang out in the park instead of attending class ... but every now and then we get a good look at it ... on our way to class ... that we go to and would never skip. Actually, we are learning quite a lot and are recognizing words more and more on signs. In fact, our confidence has gotten so elevated that we've tried ordering food in only German. We give our order. The attendant looks at us and says ... "What do you want?" in English. Not a good sign but it makes us feel better we are learning our new language!

The girls are finishing up their school year at VCS. Addison is really looking forward to next year, her first year in High School. She got her next 4 years all planned out. Hmmm ... do you think she's go a plan?

Parker has done so well in 3rd grade! Some of you know that we found out she had a possible learning issue while we were in Richmond. However, putting her in 3rd grade seems to have done the trick! She's really done well and has so much more confidence!

Libby will remain in Austrian Kindergarten for the month of June. She's now answering our questions in German. Her BFF is a little Austrian girl who happens to be our neighbor. She asked the Mom how to say "hot lava". The Mom thought it was weird and asked us about the request. We said, "Oh, she's playing like there is a volcano and there is hot lava they have to stay away from." She smiled really big and said ... "Oooohhhh ... hot lava. I thought she was asking me how to say hot lover!" We are quickly learning that anything ending in an "a" comes across like a "R" to Austrians. No more playing the Hot Lava game for Libby!!

Today was Addison's birthday! We spend the day at the Hapsburg Family country palace. They know how to spend the weekend in the country, let me tell you!!! It is gorgeous!!

Life seems to be becoming more "normal". Our home is actually looking like a home. We can drive without poping a Zanax. We know how to ask for what we need. And, most of all, we've become friends with our neighbors and find ourselves many an evening sitting on their patio chatting. This relationship thing is what life is all about! So glad God thought of it!!!



  1. awesome. awesome! AWESOME!! It all Not a burden, not a chore, but a fun filled life full of JOY. You guys give me hope! It sure is neat to watch God answers our prayers for you guys. :) Love you!

  2. I am so glad things are going well and you all are getting used to everything. I enjoy getting Addison's status updates on facebook too! It is nice to be able to keep up with you all even if we don't actually get to talk. I hope you all have an awesome summer! Keep the pictures coming! We love them!! Talk to you soon. We love you guys! Whitney

  3. I am so happy that my Libby is doing well in her new kinderarten. Her "old" kindergarten teacher will always have a very special place in her heart for Libby. Please give her a hug.
    Love ya,Paige
