Oxymorons and Other Random Things
We have discovered, living here these 12 weeks, that Vienna is full of oxymoron's. In fact, just the spelling of the name Vienna in German, "Wien", conjures up one of the first oxymoron's on my list. The letter's "ie" make the long "e" sound in English. However, the letters "ei" make the long "i" in English. So, when filling out forms, it is quite common for me to write that I live in Wein ... which is actually "wine" and quite comical for Austrians.
Our fair city is old ... like really old! However, in the grand architecture of the historical streets we find ourselves tripping over, you can happen upon very modern, cutting edge architecture. Last Friday night we took our family out to celebrate a great end of the year for our girls (both of them made straight A's ... kudos to them!). We went downtown to a very authentic and famous Restaurant specifically known for their traditional Austrian cuisine, Wienerschnitzel. The picture you see above is on the way. It's sits next to Stephensdome ... one of the oldest cathedrals in Europe. People come here to see the antiquities, however they stay in modern hotels like you see on the left!
Another very pleasant oxymoron is the food. Austrians, for the most part, are fit and health conscious people. Very seldom do you see overweight people. Most people walk or ride bikes to work. On the weekend, people live very active lifestyles. However, it is customary to have an afternoon coffee and cake break. I find this personally delightful!!! Note the photo of one of the sweet places we found!!
Well, it seems I had a lot more oxymoron's on my mind than the title and contents suggest ... however, I'll just stick some photo's on the side to occupy the space and make you start planning your Austrian Adventure!!!
By the way ... we will have our first American visitors in January 2010. My favorite cousin (just favorite because he's coming) is making a pit stop to our place! He and his wife are coming back fron India and will spend a week with us!! So, if you planned on seeing us the first week in January, think again! However, don't fret. My calendar is empty and would love to fill it up!!!
And, for my dear sister-in-law Lori, glad you finally figured out how to find a blog on the web! Welcome to the 21st Century my dear!!
okay. what exactly is a wienerschnitzel? I was thinking it was a hot dog like the fast food joint here is named...but that looks like a pancake!
ReplyDeleteand what?!! You don't have cake and coffee everyday at 3? I thought that was normal! :)
I educated myself on the www aka google. Who puts a law on the name of the food?! It must be fantastic! So...chicken fry. And they say things are bigger in Texas. That is HUGE. I must admit, however, that I was excited about pancakes for dinner when we come...
ReplyDeleteI am loving your blog. Keep the posts coming and I love pictures too. I got Cory a web cam for Father's Day so now you can see us when we Skype just as soon as I figure it out.
Hey you! Thanks for continually updating your blog. Reading about what's going on makes it not as hard missing you guys.