It's All About Me!

Because I am a Mom, I have plenty of stories about my "kinder" and their antics. I love them (my kids and their antics)! And, because I am a wife, I have plenty of stories to share about my "mann". I love him, too! However, since this is an ordinary week full of ordinary things, nothing spectacular happening with children or hubby, why not take the time to write about the extraordinary?! I'm jumping out on a limb here and going to write about ... me! Won't this be fun?

First, let me explain the feet shots. As I age, I notice the only part of my body that doesn't look considerably gross is my feet. In fact, when I look at my feet, I feel younger and thinner. So, from now on, I think every photo of me will be a foot shot. My friend Marti will especially like this ... in fact I can hear her laughing now. Laugh you may, I'm serious! Do you see lines on these feet or unwanted hair on the toes? No! Feet age beautifully!

So, in an effort to stay consistent with all things Christina, I will devise a top 10 of my favorite things about my new home.

10. I love the wood floors in my flat. I don't think they are really wood floors, it's fake, but since never having wood floors before I love them!
9. This is the first time I've lived in a two-story house as an adult. I used to dream about living in a two-story house as a kid, especially at Christmas. Then, you could wait on the stairs to spy for Santa ... I did have an over active imagination ... shock!
8. I enjoy the flowers that decorate window seals, ledges, store door entries, corner flower shops, and the ones that native Austrians bring you when they come to your house! I've placed more plants in our home here than in any home ever, in my life. It could have something to do with having no real yard to speak of, but it creates a natural feel.
7. I enjoy hearing shop keepers and store clerks say "Grus Gott" to you as you enter their store. It literally translates "Greet God". Pretty sure it has no spiritual meaning to the speakers, but it has plenty spiritual significance to me!
6. I like having to bring my own bags to the grocery store. It makes me feel old fashioned and earth friendly. I especially like the 3 new bags my "Mom" (actually she's my step-Mom, JoAnn, but to me she is like Mom) sent me - mesh and multi-colored with sturdy handles!
5. I enjoy hearing my girls speak German. It makes me smile to hear Libby ... mainly out of embarrassment because she is correcting me. But, when she's not correcting me, I like it.
4. I like going to language school with Chris every day. We get to be together for 3 hours of class and a 30 minute ride home on the subway (UBahn). He usually tries to speak German to me on the UBahn but my brain is too tired and I'm too tired of being around people to play his little game!
3. I like it when people think I'm a native and speak to me in German. It makes me feel so European.
2. I love going to a cafe and getting Kaffee - although I don't do it as much as I like! I will have to work on this one!
1. I'm humbled that God would send us to Austria, a place He etched on our hearts over 2 years ago.

That's it. That's enough about me. I'm sure I could entertain you with clever stories (I have so many) but for now that's all I got!

On September 24, my brother-in-"love" (my sister's husband but feels like my real brother) is having a rather complex surgery. This week, he and my sister head back to Houston, TX in preparation for the surgery and their boys, accompanied by Rodney's parents, will come down the day before. I am trusting God for healing. If you are a praying person, pray for Rodney. Pray for healing and reminders for my sister and the boys that God is ... simply God is ...

Until next time -



  1. Christina,

    I love reading your blog every week. It make the distance seem less than what it really is. Thank you for taking the time to post and share your life and that of your family. I love reading about how God is using and blessing each and everyone of you!

    Love and Prayers,
    Becky Johnson

  2. Christina, I was thinking of you guys so I googled you. I am so happy to "see" you are all well. You're as beautiful as ever and the girls are growing up and gorgeous! And you're on an adventure for the Lord.I put yall on our prayer list. Life is good...
    Vicki Miller (norman, oklahoma)

  3. Hey Christina, Its Cathy from FPO days. I was going through a stack of p cards I brought and happened to stumble across your blog address. It looks like you guys are doing well!! Just wanted to say hello
