What A Difference A Day Makes
As most of you know, I have had the privilege of being entrusted with anxiety. I've dealt with it for over 10 years. For some reason, hormones and this time of year seem to affect my anxiety. I was just telling Chris how grateful I was that here it is, well into the Fall, and I've not had a single bout with anxiety. Given the fact we are are still in transition and adjusting to our new home, I considered myself so fortunate. Well, this week my old friend, anxiety, came to visit.
Please don't pity me. I've come to welcome it. Paul talks about having a thorn in his side that he begged God to take away but God felt it necessary to leave with Paul. Paul saw this thorn as a tool to remind him of the greatness of God. In fact, it prompted Paul to write, "When I am weak, then He (God) is strong." I have come to view anxiety as my thorn and a reminder that I am not capable of one good thing apart from my Father. I am terribly weak, however, my Dad is so strong and can carry me when anxiety comes knocking.
Having 10 years to deal with this has shown us what I need to do when anxiety flares up. I chill, rest, give my brain permission to be inactive, spend a whole lot of time with my Father, cook less, and be still. When I look back, anxiety used to produce such fear. However, God, in His kindness has given us wisdom with medication, natural supplement, and the common sense of knowing when to pull back.
So, that's what I'm going to do. God keeps reminding me that when I let go, whatever gets accomplished is a testament to His greatness and not to Christina Elledge's accomplishments! Good lesson, I'd say!!
Enjoy the random photos! The one that means the most to me is the one of the package we received in the mail. We got this the day my anxiety flared up. God had told me that despite the way I "felt" He had a special encouragement coming my way. All day long I looked for it. When I picked up the package at the post office and opened it, it was filled with things from a good friend, Rose, that all spoke to my heart. Encouraging CD's and DVD's. One of them was a DVD of Chonda Pierce, a Christian comedian. If you've never seen her - go now and get one of her DVD's. I laughed so hard as I watched it last night I couldn't breath! And, you know what they say about laughter - it IS good medicine! So, do you see why I say don't pity me? God is big enough to take care of me ... and oh how grateful I am!!!!!
Ba, ba
P.S. ba, ba is a form of goodbye, and it's pronounced just like I wrote it. It's a bit funny when grown men say it --- we chuckle!
I love you sweet friend!! I am lifting you up to Father and so thankful he is big enough to meet our needs before we even know them! Take it easy and feel free to Skype me if you get a chance! Consider yourself ((hugged))!! Oh...and a picture is on it's way! Hahhaaa :)
ReplyDeleteLove, love you.