Umm ...
So where has the time gone? A virus here and there, full-time language school, mothering, cooking, and caring for sick kids … other than that I have not been up to much!
As I type, it’s raining outside, it’s cold, and I’m gearing up for a weekend in Salzburg. Here’s a bit of reality. When I say something like I just said … it has very little meaning for me. However, I recognize that when you here that … you are thinking romantic thoughts about the Sound of Music (that’s where some of it was filmed). You wanna hear how romantic it’s gonna be?
16 teenage girls
Sleeping on the floor of a church
Eating at McDonalds
Sitting all day on hard benches
Driving a big honken 10 passenger van
I'm going as a sponsor for Addison's Volleyball team. This is the last tournament of the year. They needed help ... so I volunteered (what was I thinking?).
Actually, my friend Tatiana, a fellow language student from Moscow, reminded me yesterday that these are the times that are important for our kids. These are the things they will remember us doing. Isn’t that sweet? Addison better remember this because I’m gonna have the dark eyes and stiff back to prove it!
What a good mom you are. These realy are the things they remember and that are important to them. Not long ago we took our Girl Scouts to a camp. One of the mom's who doesn't usually go agreed to come along and help. She agreed to stay overnight and planned to leave first thing in the A.M. When morning came her daughter was begging her to stay. She had thought her daughter wouldn't want her to stay, but instead she saw how much her 14 year old daughter still wanted and needed her to be a part of her life. Aren't we fortunate and blessed to be a part of their journey to adulthool. Love your blog. I need to stop by more often, but I haven't taken much time for facebook or blogging lately :)
ReplyDeleteOh ya, That was me "Jennifer Seitsinger" who posted the previous comment.