Just Puttin' Up the Tree

As I was putting the ornaments on our Christmas tree, I took a little trip. As I hung an ornament, depending on what period of time it represented, I was transported to the past as if I had booked a round trip ticket. So I don’t sound like a character out of Charles Dickens’ Christmas Carol, let me just give you a few examples:

We have this pathetic wooden teddy bear with scribbling on the backside of it. To the uninformed eye it’s a nasty little fragment of Christmas past. To Chris and me, it brings a tear to our eyes … ok to my eyes. When we were in Tucson, Arizona and Addison was 3 years old, we were on a very … VERY … tight budget. We decided that year to only give gifts to each other that we found at Goodwill. (I know this sounds pathetic but give it a few more sentences – it does get better!). Addison and I found this cute little teddy bear ornament for Chris and she “wrote” how much she loves her Daddy on the backside. Now, 12 years later, it doesn’t matter that it came from Goodwill … to us it’s priceless.

There are countless wreaths, a giant rocking horse and an angel with a head way too small for her huge body all made from paper. Some are laminated and some are not. Each one bears either the artistic expression or photo of a toothless grin from one of our daughter’s. Again, all priceless in my book.

Then, there is the ceremonial “Our first Christmas” ornament with the date 1991 paying tribute to Chris and me beginning our family. Along with that one are several others we acquired from a rag-tag group of youth that we had the privilege of knowing before marrying. Each one brings to mind the face of the person who gave it … forever keeping them a teenager although they are all grown adults with families of their own.
I just love the sappy and gushy part of this season. Funny how any ornament I acquire this year will hold a round-trip ticket down memory lane for years to come … I just don’t know it yet!

So … tomorrow is Christmas Experience #2. I won’t spill the beans because I have smart cookies for daughters and they will sneak a beak at the blog and my surprise will go down the drain along with my giddiness of keeping all these experiences surprises. You’ll just have to wait … but please don’t think it will top London. Let’s just make one thing clear … London was over the top, once in a life time, bigger than life and any other “big” quotes you can think of … BUT, despite the WOW factor, tomorrow will be a sweet memory none the less. You’ll just have to wait and see …
