Bobble-head Bean to the Rescue!
I'm missed my self-imposed deadline of writing a blog post every weekend. No one knows but me ... and it's killing me.
Truth is ... it's grey and cold and I'm tired! We call this the "ugly" season around here because it is ... ugly. The weather is ugly and our attitudes tend to get ugly, too. People are tired, sun-deprived, and ... ugly.
However, this week God gave us a shot in the arm to combat the uglies! Too bad I don't have pictures (I'm too tired to go get the camera and take one ... I'm sorry; am I being ugly?)
#1 Shot in the arm: Bobble-head Mr. Bean! Our friends Jeremy and Anda surprised us with a bobble-head Mr. Bean, Mr. Bean movie and taco seasoning. Friends, during ugly season Mr. Bean is the antidote! And, the fact that he's a bobble-head is twice the fun! Add to that the never seen taco seasoning packages and you've got one happy girl! We love you Jeremy and Anda! You guys rock!
#2 Shot in the arm: American Food! Our friend, Amanda, had a stash of American products she retained for our family. Here's what we got: 2 cake mixes, 1 can rotel, 1 can pumpkin, 2 packages chocolate chips, 1 box of brownie mix. To those of you living in the states this seems like an insignificant gift. However, living in a land where canned pumpkin doesn't exist (although I have learned to make my own from fresh pumpkin ... Martha Stewart eat your heart out!), rotel has never been seen, one makes their own chocolate chips by chopping up a chocolate bar, and saves their money for a 3 euro cake mix that doesn't hold a candle to Betty Crocker ... these things are a little bit of heaven! Amanda ... you may have my first child!
So, in a week of ugly, the bobble-head and brownies are keeping us going! If I'm not being ugly I may write again next week ... you'll have to wait and see!