The Girls
I’m dedicating this blog to a group of girls that shall remain nameless. If I mentioned their names, they would crawl into a hole, weep with embarrassment, nash their teeth in pain, turn every color of red imaginable, deny their own identities … in a word – die.
I don’t know why? They are all terrific young women! One of them, let’s call her Miss “D”, is a faithful reader of my blog and usually rates them on a scale from 1 to 10. She then reports her findings to “the girls” so they can read, too. She does this not only my blog but all blogs of all people she knows. We affectionately call her a blog stalker … and we love her for it!
I had the pleasure of spending a good portion of the day on Friday with these girls. As I prayed for each one of them this morning, God brought their little faces to my mind … and etched their little faces in my heart. My prayers were varied … for one to see the face of Jesus, for one to grow in her new found faith, for one to heal of family pain, for one to know she hears God, for one to have a good friend, for one to be a good friend, for one to grow further in her faith. All such different girls with different personalities – all so precious and dear to God.
Through “the girls” God reminded me again of my purpose in life. I am to proclaim faith, as Paul said in Titus 1:1, to those God has chosen and to teach them to know the truth that shows them how to live godly lives. I’m so thankful God has placed these young women in my life. Little do they know how I see them … already as women who will someday do the same … they will be the ones proclaiming faith to those God has chosen and teaching them the truth that shows them how to live godly lives. (Well I guess now the cat is out of the bag because I know Miss “D” is reading and she will rate and report to the “the girls”.)
So … let me speak directly to “the girls” … let me tell you all how much I love you … and see big things for you … because God loves you! AND, I’m glad you respect me now that you know I was a Theatre major in college!