
I love structure.  I love a good plan.  I love having routine.  Yet, there are times I just a need a break from the expected.  I know God knows that about me ... and I love it when my "normal" gets crashed and something new and fresh is allowed to break through the mundane that often is my life.

This morning was one of those moments.

I really felt that instead of sitting with my coffee, my open Bible and reading I needed to just be still, be quiet and ... be.  That's what I did.

As I listened to the following song ...

... I began to write the first things that came into my head:

Bear you up on eagles wings
Restore your soul
Rest in me and be made whole

I wait a lot of my life away.  I wait in line.  I wait for a good hair day.  I wait for children to grow up.  I wait for people to come.  I wait for people to go.  I wait for a good mood.  I wait for a feeling.  I wait for hot water to cook.  I wait for dishes to dry.

In the waiting, it dawned on me there is a process in the middle of waiting that gets lost.  It's in the "zwischen" time (in between time) that a lot of "stuff" can happen ... "stuff" that if we let it do it's work in us could really change who we are and how we think.

If, in the waiting, I can experience the words that lodged in my head this morning ... joy, life, favor, prosperity, hope, light ... I think I come out of the "zwischen" time a better person.  Not better because I've done some miraculous thing.  Better because I've rested in the grey of wait ... walked through it ... waited ... and been changed by the process.

Just some thoughts this morning ... as I wait on a friend (insert big smile)!
