Happy Birthday, Marti!

I'm pretty sure I am too old to have a BFF.  Peer pressure tells me those are things for 9-year-olds.  Slumber parties, make-over’s, long phone conversations about boys - all things in my past.  However, if I’m honest, I stll have a BFF.  The truth is, I still NEED a BFF.  In fact, I think we all do, if we are honest.  Sure, it doesn't look like it did when I was 9-years-old - which may be a good thing or a pity - but the principle is the same.  Girls need a girlfriend to navigate through life.

On Monday, November 19, my friend, Marti, will celebrate her birthday.  When we lived in Norman, I would spend lots of time searching for the "right" gift for her.  Then, after I found my treasure, I would spend lots of time wrapping it.  (Marti and I share a love of paper, ribbon, frills, and bows.  To us, the gift wrap is just as important as the gift!)  

However, during the last 4 years that we've lived far, far, far apart, our gifts have become different.  One year it was a call to her brother - begging with him to buy wildflowers and deliver them to her office.  One year, a lengthy email pouring out words to try to express the dearness of our relationship and yet another year a silly video clip from "I love Lucy".  Just little things to remind my beloved friend of the importance of the space she occupies in my heart.

This year, however, I am going public!  She reads my blog every Monday.  And, as providence would have it, her birthday is on Monday.  So ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARTI!  

Today, I blog about friendship.  Today, I brag about my friend.  Today, I celebrate the miracle of knowing someone's heart.  Today, I express gratitude for being known by someone and still being loved anyway!

It's no small thing, a friendship.  Being an avid reader of the Bible, I find it interesting how many times friendships find their way as examples of love, caring and commitment.  Marti and I affectionately say that our friendship is a David/Jonathan relationship.  They were friends.  They loved each other.  They made a covenant together, a promise that kept them bonded by more than words, but in actions.  They not only cared for and loved one another in friendship, but cared for and loved each other's families.

Marti is that person who has seen the ugly cry and was patient enough to watch.  Marti is that person who has listened to me whine and then told me in a loving way to get over it and trust God.  Marti is that person who has never told me I was putting on a few pounds.  Marti is that person who has trusted me with her heart of hearts.  Marti is that person who has prayed for me when I didn't know what to pray for myself.  Marti is that person who has loved me enough to tell me the truth.  Marti is that person who has cried when she found no words to offer to my hurt.  Marti is that person who laughs - really hard - and thinks I'm funny.  Marti is that person who has loved my girls as if they were part of her "real" family.  Marti is that person who walked with me when Anxiety was new and scary and told me one day it would all be OK. 

She was right. 

Happy Birthday, Marti.  I know you are sitting at work, at your computer, crying.  That's OK.  Tears express what our words cannot but our hearts know to be true.  I love you.  I am thankful that God knew that in this life, I would walk my journey with a friend like you.  It was His plan.  His desire.  His goodness that brought us together all those years ago.  I am better for knowing you.  

