Big Libby
Libby signed up to make a bird house, one that will proudly take it's place atop our Christmas tree. Each little Werkstatt (workstation) has little helpers that very orderly and stoically "help" the children with their craft. While the children are "crafting" their little hearts out, parents can meander over to the little cafe for overpriced coffee ... but well-worth the experience! In the air hangs the sweet smell of cookies baking ... another Werkstatt that children can choose to take part in. Visitors can also buy the cookie creations ... that are only sold during this time of year.
Yesterday, I was a parent-helper. Not knowing all the children in Libby's class, one of her precious little friends kept giving me "the eye". After assessing the situation, believing me to be a friendly adult, she says to me: "You look like Libby ... only bigger. I think I'll call you Big Libby."
I love her little perspective. It never dawned on her that Libby in fact does look like me ... not I who look like her. It was just a matter of perspective. She didn't know me. She knows Libby. If she knows Libby, then from her perspective, it is, indeed, I that look like the one she knows.
This morning, as I'm thinking about Christmas ... I am wondering who others see. My prayer is that just as precious friend of Libby's saw Libby in me ... that others will see Jesus in me, too. Just a little something to ponder.