New Year

The beginning of a new year always brings a natural transition.  This is an especially "transitionally" year for us Elledge's.

Chris and Parker enjoying a cheap coffee break @ McCafe!

  • Our oldest graduates from High School
  • We take a 6 month furlough away from "home" to go to a place our girls don't really remember as "home".
  • We will return home minus one family member.

Other than that ... life is forecasted to be quite "normal".  However, we all know, "normal" is always changing.  The only "normal" thing about life is the changing.

Libby, Addison and me ... making faces @ Chris and Parker @ McCafe!

I have a friend, Rachel.  She's "mature" in years.  She's beautiful.  She has piercing blue eyes and even more piercing questions.  I've learned to listen to her.  I listen because she has learned what it means to walk a journey well.  And, she's learned who to walk her journey with ... well.

I got the following email from her.  You have to read it:

My World continues to shrink and I note how fast it turns. I've long since given up trying to keep up with the latest trades, terrorists, trends, trips and technicality. God in His unique economy allows my limited and feeble investment to grow and multiply. Seeds I planted and young sprouts, I nourished have matured and flourished. My meager investment in the kingdom has brought me much joy and satisfaction.
    This Holy Season I'll focus and concentrate on the reality of my relationship with my Redeemer, Jesus Christ realizing that this relationship monitors and dictates all other relationships. With the new additions this month of my two latest great grand daughters our family has grown to 40.
    This year I sent no cards so my dear friends 
                                       I wish you Love beyond measure, Joy overflowing,
                                       Peace within as we celebrate the birth of Christ.

Her words seemed exceptionally "piercing" this year as I continue to emerge from my "weak" season with poor health.  I've heard the voice of the one that loves me most continue to tell me to be weak ... in my new found and ever increasing strength.  Weird.  Yet, it fits the advice of this one I have built my life on ... my future on.

As I ease into 2013, with a baggy sweatshirt on, no make-up, a quiche and baked apples in the oven and nothing planned but an afternoon nap ... transition will come and go.  Normal will come and go.  Right now ... I'm just gonna focus on the wisdom of my dear Rachel ... and focus and concentrate on the reality of the relationship with my Redeemer.  Good advice from a woman who has lived it ... well.
