I'm not gonna pretend yesterday ... move-in day ... was difficult. But, what I've come to realize, difficult is just part of life. A life lived apart from difficult is impossible ... unavoidable ... unimaginable. Yet, in the midst of difficult ... whispers of peace are found. That was yesterday.
I have too many raw emotions flowing in and out of my heart and head to put into words. I am most struck by the thoughtful planning of the staff of OBU in how to help us parents release our children into their new adult world. After a tearful speech by President David Whitlock followed by an authentic address by Dean Brandon Skaggs, I felt more than ready to release my bird into her own nest.
The day ended by a "Blessing" by Student Ministry director Odus Compton. Parent surrounded their children and were given a moment to speak a word of blessing, pray, cry, hug, or just look at them as a way to close this moment. It was powerful.
Words will follow. Right now I can only find the energy to post pictures of our day:
Road signs marked the way |
Upperclassmen surrounded our car with chants and welcomes, carried all her stuff to her dorm room, and whooped and hollar "Welcome Home"! |
OBU Security let us know exactly where and when to go ... very Austrian! |
The girl in her new room with all her stuff.
Parker, Addie and Libby ... all caught up in the frenzy that is "Welcome Week"!
Addie and her new roomie ... and just for the record ... a real sweetie! |
The closing "Blessing". Parents stood somber at the foot of the chapel ... silently loving on their baby birds until it was time to launch them. |
Our beanie-clad OBU Freshman ... ready to fly! |
Ahhhh. I am crying with you!
ReplyDelete...schluchz...Sorry, theres no word I found for that emotion, like the german one. Thanks for updating Christina, and all the pics. I'm "schluchzing" with you, cause I know, our little one will leave that way too. BUT. Hopefully it will be such a blessed start like your amazing Addison had. She is such a great Lady. And I'm moved how precious our father in heaven prepared her way. Big big hug, mommy - you're the best: look at your daughters:) Miss you and send you tones fo Viennese Bussis;)