Practicing Friendship

Last night as I was up nursing the wounds of a pre-menopausal mind (if you are not there you will not know what I am talking about ... and good for you. Get on your knees and give praise to God!) I lay there ... on my itchy couch, thinking about the giant-sized hole in the concrete leading out of my neighborhood; my friend across the street and her newborn; my daughter away at college; a friend's daughter who just had a baby and I was reminded of her wedding; and then onto the inevitable ... how I hate my hair. Needless to say, I woke up ... needing more sleep.
For reasons that can not be penned on paper much less on the web for God and everybody I can not get to my makeup ... my journal ... my colored pens that I love with all my heart that I use to write in my journal. So, I sat down at the kitchen table with my computer. I turned on Pandora to the Sara Groves station (high recommendation here) and just sipped my liquid cup of joy and listened. As I listened, I was inspired to send a song to a friend, write a message to another, think of another, and pray for all. I worshipped.
I need friends. I need to communicate with God about my friends and for my friends. By being a friend and by receiving comfort, joy, giggles, advice from mine ... I more clearly see a loving God demonstrating Himself to me ... through ... my ... friends.
trying to be a good friend,