Data Plans

Since landing back “home”, we have gotten the girls settled into school, moved Parker into her own room and Chris and I into Addison’s old room, moved the living room around, shifted things in the kitchen and bathroom to allow for more ease of access, and discovered that our pillows are way too thin … resembling feminine napkins and not places of comfort for our heads to rest.  Excited energy allowed us to do these “housekeeping” chores.  Now … we rest.  We are pooped.  Our bodies and minds have finally taken autopilot mode and we are better for it!  After a few days of “down”, I know we will be able to adapt to a new normal.

I’ve been amazed at how easily the German has flown out of my vocal chords.  I’ve been equally amazed at how off guard I was taken by the first public act of “schimpfen” I witnessed in the Ubahn station.

For those of you not acquainted with this German term, schimpfen is a scolding.  The dictionary defines “schimpfen” as:  to get angry; to moan; to curse; to tell somebody off; to curse about or at.  You get the picture.  You don’t have to know the person who is doing the schimpfen … in most cases you don’t.  It usually occurs when some cultural norm or rule has been transgressed and the one dishing out the discipline feels they are obligated to point out your fault – usually dramatically and loudly.  In the above reference, one woman felt the need to schimpf another for taking up too much room on the lift (elevator). 

Now, back to my observations … streets seem dirtier than I remember, my heart is more deeply mourned by the sight of beggars, people stepping in front of me while I am waiting in line still bugs me, the city is as beautiful as I remember, I didn’t remember how far the Ubahn stop was from our house, the coffee is more divine than my taste buds remembered, the grocery store is as charming as ever, cars will wait as I cross the street (in the designated cross walk) even if it appears they are about to run me over, carrying my granny buggy to the store will get old – but not yet, shopping on Saturday because stores are not open on Sunday is much a pain as ever, and connecting with friends is sweeter than I could have imagined.

However, the biggest surprise of this homecoming are the intangibles I am experiencing in my soul.  God is bigger (is opening my eyes in new ways, breaking down old barriers, exposing old ways of thinking) and asking me to expect bigger things than I was prepared to receive.  But … receive I will!! 
Without going into the inner workings of my complicated brain (I know Chris is thankful for that bit of information that will not be written in black and white for all the world to see and hear), here’s a picture God showed me this morning of what is happening …

Chris and I got new phones.  They are “fancy” phones.  It’s the first “fancy” phones we’ve had – ever – in our lives.  In our contract, we have unlimited data.  However, in my ignorance of this modern technology, I was at first afraid to connect to the Internet when I wanted for fear that the “unlimited” is really “limited” and there will be some hidden charge that will require me to pay up!

This morning, in a flash of realization, God showed me a wrong belief I have held way too tightly for way too long.  I don’t believe I have unlimited access to God.  Somehow, I’ve believed that He will somehow withhold some of His goodness just to show me that He is God and I am only His servant … who has to somehow earn His favor, goodness and blessing.  That, my friends, is a lie from the pit of Hell!

He – God - has given me an “unlimited” data plan:  His greatness, blessing, faithfulness, grace, wisdom and power through the Holy Spirit!  I just have to access it … to push the button … to connect!  Just like my “fancy” phone, I just have to push the button to access the power!

For me, pushing the button is as simple as … asking.  God desires to give to His children what they ask for … when they ask.  When we understand the power we have through the Holy Spirit … and then ask … we better be ready to receive!  It will come down in showers!  Those are His words … not mine.  So … I’m pushing the button to my unlimited data plan again and again and again …

Ready for more,

