It's more than needing a nap during the day, catching a few minutes of silence before a meeting, or spacing out to a few episodes of whatever tickles your fancy on YouTube. Rest is a verb. Rest is a noun. It's something you must do ... and practice the state of being in. Its complicated and simple. Neglected and needed. Risky and safe.
For much of my life, REST was not an option for a hard-working, self-conscious, driven by goals kind of person. In my personal life, I set my own bar pretty high. In my faith community (in my past - far past) my worth was - in my opinion - measured by my works. REST was a cop-out for less dedicated and inferior followers.
No more of those trappings for me! Living almost 47 years with my body tied to planet earth and almost 27 years with my Spirit tied to another place, I have learned and continue to learn ... the art of REST.
Climbing on a plane tomorrow is an act of REST that has been so well-timed by my Father. Little did I know when I booked 4 tickets bound for our homeland back in February, we would need, crave, desire, a time of REST like we do right now ... mere hours before our departure.
REST builds up that which is lacking inside us and tears down any wrong thinking we've been engaging in our heads. REST brings right perspective into distorted minds and brings balance to that which has settled off center. REST is crucial to living life as prescribed by Jesus ... full and abundant. Did you ever entertain the thought that living without rest was ... sacrilegious? Hmmm ... something to chew on.
So, I'll finish the packing, clean a few things in my flat and set my brain in REST mode ... because I've learned when it's time ... and IT'S TIME!
slowing down,