I love how God gives me words to chase, to research, to ponder, to pray, to write, to study, to sit on and stew a little.  INTEGRITY is one such word that is popping about the inner workings of this female brain of mine.

Last night, My Chris and I went to see the movie "Bridge of Spies".  Excellent movie.  It's been the diving board of many of my INTEGRITY thoughts.  The character played by Tom Hanks was a man of ...drum roll please:  INTEGRITY.  Ironically, so was the "criminal" he defended.  Neither one of these men caved under pressure.  They had strong convictions and they acted upon them.

This morning, words have led me on more chasing, researching, pondering, praying, writing, studying, sitting and stewing.  "For we live by faith and not by seeing" (2 Corinthians 5:7).  Bottom line:  I live what I believe.  What I believe determines how I live.  Could this be my personal definition of INTEGRITY?

Now, if you'll hang with me for a few minutes of rabbit chasing which will lead us back to INTEGRITY ... The words of Christ in Revelation 2:8-11 have intertwined with what's been rumbling about regarding INTEGRITY.  Christ, in response to hearing about the suffering and poverty of a group of people He loves, tells them not to be afraid ...despite also telling them more suffering and poverty is in their future!  So, naturally, another word comes to mind and takes center stage on this intellectual dance party I have going on in my head:  FEAR.

FEAR seems to be the biggest obstacle to keep God's people down, from obeying, acting in faith, and believing God's promises to be real.  

We do fear man.  And because we fear, we give into pleasing "man".  We give up to not be singled out as different by "man".  We place great significance on the temporary approval/disapproval of "man" rather than on the eternal approval/disapproval of God.

Now, lest you think me to be a synical being, let me address that we do, also, fear God.  We fear God will not keep His promises and fail us.  We fear that if we totally surrender God will not show up.  We fear pain.  We fear that if we follow God then there will be pain.  We equate pain the with absence of God's pressence.

Hmph.  How's that for a "pick-me-up"?

Alas, have no fear!  God loves us so much ... He continually whispers in our ears ... "Don't be afraid!".  Now, I failed to mention one thing about the group of people in Revelation.  Christ told them ... "I know about your suffering and poverty".  He knew.  He cared.  And, He had a solution:  "Do not fear!"

He knows our hearts are prone to fear when we have not securely anchored our beliefs on Him!  When we choose not to fear - and it's always a choice - we will act out of our belief!  When we choose not to fear, we will accept the possibility of pain/loss/hurt because we know that God knows ...and cares ...and will be present in every single minute.  Then ...knowing all that yummy goodness ...we can and will act out of ... INTEGRITY!

Now, let your ears hear ...
Your mind ponder ...
Your soul seek ...
Your fingers write ...
And your heart not fear.
He's with us ...



  1. Thank you for this post, this is so good to hear as we begin a new year!
