Liberation Day

Being Human Video

OK; it's the same video as yesterday.  There was just so much in one little 4 minute and 55 second video that I could not pass up!

The baby born in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp did not cry for 6 months.  Born as a tiny, feeble little thing, perhaps lung capacity was stifled.  I'm sure the baby suffered from malnutrition.  It was born in a setting that did nothing to encourage life.  Death was the theme.  Perhaps the baby could detect the atmosphere and acted accordingly.

In April, 1945, when the camp was liberated by American soldiers, the baby cried.  For the first time in 6 months, lungs belted out chords that had never been used.  Freedom had come to the camp but also to the inner being of this small human.  At it's core, liberation had come.  This little body acted accordingly.

Christian, your liberator has come!  If you call on the name of Jesus, you are set free!  Know what is yours.  Know your identity.  Know the One that saves you - and has authority over everything!  Do not continue to live as one who has never exercised their lungs.

Yes, in this world, we will have troubles, but we also have a Liberator who came to lift us above those troubles and destined us to live in freedom!  He came to give us life - to the full!

Be encouraged, any who feels like a baby bound and confined, you have been set free!!

