Brain Tumors and Young Friends

Today dear friends of ours are dealing with a brain tumor.  Diagnosed last week, today is operation day.  Heavy.  He's young.  He has four little babies.  Those babies don't know that Mommy and Daddy are hurting because our friends love Jesus - and they trust Him.  And yet, it's heavy.

This afternoon as I deal with my own set of setbacks, I'm trying to hear God and hear TRUTH.  As I read the Bible, I discover that healing - even of brain tumors - is God's will.  Healing - just as forgiveness of sins - was bought and paid for by Jesus Christ on the cross.

You see I don't have a problem putting my faith in the fact that God can heal.  I sometimes have a belief problem - wondering if this time God will heal.  It's not a God issue - it's a ME issue.  I'm working through allowing the Holy Spirit to delete the spam in my brain that has been wrong teaching and embrace the TRUTH of who God is and how he operates.

So as I sit with my coffee this afternoon, really too tired physically to pray and dig and examine who God is, I am reminded by one simple action.  I opened my Bible and it flipped open to a place I had made a note at some point in my past.  Here's what it read:
The Lord says, "I will rescue those who love me.  I will protect those who trust in my name.  When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble.  I will rescue and honor them.  I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation."  Psalm 91: 14 - 16
God could have chosen any number of things to show me.  And yet, He allowed me to see this - today - as I pray for healing and a long life for my young friend.  He affirmed in five sentences that HE will do what He says.  That salvation means a secured eternity and all that implies, including saving us from sins and saving us from sickness (Matthew 9:29, Matthew 9:22, Psalm 103:1, 1 Peter 2:24, Isaiah 53:3-5).

Point of this story, I am exercising faith and belief on behalf of my young friend in a God who heals.  It's scary business.  It's heavy.  And yet - without faith - it's impossible to please God.  I want to be a God pleaser.  So I assert my faith.

More coffee and more open Bible time,
