Sometimes you just write because ... well because it's an act of worship.
This morning was one of those mornings. As I read true words and let them invade my tired body and sleepy brain, the Spirit spoke to my heart. Therefore, I picked up my pen and wrote:
It's the "hard work" to rely on God. The mind must first overcome the tendency to see the surface, the facts, the trends, the probability. Yet it's with those things in which the Father wants us to trust Him! Even if the outcome tips to favor what we imagine - is God enough? Is He - alone - able? This is where the "hard work" begins. If in the darkness of decision making which forces us to choose an unknown outcome, we can choose God, Him alone ... then the hardest part has been done. This is the working out of our salvation. This is the putting of our life into the hands - again - of a perfect Father. This is where we discover God still does miracles because the tendency of a will to do its own fighting has surrendered. We lay foolish weapons and legalistic to-do lists down at the feet of a God who provided costly Grace. Relying on his Grace, alone, that is the "hard work". That is surrender. And then ... surrender is where freedom invades!
Writing just because,