What We Did on Our Rainy Weekend and Other Random Stories

So, last Saturday it was cold (57) and rainy. I had an idea! There was a shelf that I needed to hang and so I thought this cold and rainy day was the perfect day in which to do so! So, I enlisted the help of Chris and his muscles while the girls were left to fend for themselves.

Walls here in Europe are a strange thing. They are not sheet rock. They are either plaster type stuff and concrete and other building terms I am not familiar with. I thought hanging my shelf would be a walk in the park. It was ... for the first screw we installed. Then the fun began. We had to install 16 screws ... 14 of which we found out after hanging the support piece had to have anchors. Boy, was this fun (can you tell my hints of sarcasm?).

End result was wonderful ... the process was a journey in patience and a test of the strength of our marriage!@#$%^&*()*&^%$# Enough said.

Wanted to give you some random things we've either seen or experienced here of late that are great reminders that yes, we are not, indeed, in Kansas anymore!!

1. It's been rather hot. There is no AC as I've already established in my previous blog. We are 2 blocks away from the Donau river. We are on the side where there are no beaches like on the other side, but it's still pretty. You can frequently find people taking a dip into the river. However, this week, we saw a man riding his 10 speed bike ... in a speedo ... having just come from cooling off in the river. No comment.

2. Not only did we see a speedo on a ten speed, we saw a pregnant woman in a bikini on a bicycle. Again, no comment.

3. Did you know that you take your shoes off whenever you enter a home here in Austria? Most homes have extra slippers for guests to wear when they visit.

4. Bottled drinks are most often never cold. No ice is used in beverages.

5. Dogs are allowed everywhere ... but you will be fined if you let your dog go potty and don't pick it up.

6. Seldom, if ever, do you see people using paper cups or plates. At Libby's school, they have a tray of glass water pitchers and glass cups for the children to drink while playing outside.

7. Drivers love to honk their horns at other drivers, often and loudly.

8. Vienna is a melting pot of cultures. Some of those cultures do not bathe often. Riding public transportation can be quite a stimulus of the senses!

9. The store,Cartridge World, is actually all over the world - there's one right down the street.

10. Ice cream is .90 a scoop ... and fresh ... and yummy ... and stands are everywhere!

God continues to remind me of His goodness: cool temperatures in the middle of July, sweet girls who love to have tea parties, a great daughter who will cook dinner, a sweet husband who will forfeit his plans for mine, and 10 years with my Parker (her birthday is Wednesday). In the middle of life, I want to recognize His fingerprint all over my days!



  1. Happy Birthday Parker. You are in the double digits now, it is all down hill from now on. :) I pray that you have a great and blessed birthday.


  2. Happy Birthday Parker!!!!! We love you and Katie prays for you every night, may you have a blessed birthday.
    Christina, love the picture of you, you are too cute!
    Addison, please send me some Austrian recipes to try on the fam
    Libby, you are beautiful!
    Chris, What a man! Hanging that shelf for your beautiful wife even if it was a difficult task, KUDOS! Looks great.

  3. Happy Birthday, Parker! Rachel was talking about your upcoming birthday a couple of days ago... on her birthday! She said she wanted to talk to you and I would let her now, but she's still sleeping. Know that we miss all of you and ditto on Amanda's comments! You guys all look and sound as if you're doing great. We love you!


  4. Why didn't you wait until I got there, I could have hung the shelf for you. And then you could have feed my family dinner. Just kidding! You can truly see how God is at work within you guys. I remember if you guys were here you would be asking me to come hang that shelf for you. But just remember God even helps us in the small, maybe big to you, things in our lives.
    Tell Parker Happy Birthday for us. I can't believe she is 10 already! It seems like yesterday I was holding her when we went to the circus together. We love you guys!

  5. Happy birthday Parker!!! I hope you had a great day.I miss you, Kenzie and Valeeda said happy birthday too. If you don't remember Valeeda she is my moms friend and she has the same birthday as you. Kenzie - Happy Birthday!!! We all miss you allot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We want you to come back soon. : )
    Rachel and Kenzie
