The Wind Came Sweeping Down the Plains ... and the Hills Were Alive with the Sound of Music!
It's summer! If you can't tell from the strange expression on Addison's face, then perhaps you can tell it from the adulation in my fingers. This is the final week of Language School for Chris and I. I wish this blog had audio ... and you could hear my shouts of extreme joy, adulation and giddiness! This Saturday, the Family Elledge leaves for a week in Germany. We are headed to a location I don't even know the name of yet for a time of rest and renewal with other colleges from our Board. We are looking forward to the train ride, the down time, and the family time.
Upon getting back from Germany, the older girls have 2 weeks until school starts. Our plan: chill, chill, chill and then chill some more!
On Friday, July 24, my kindred friend, Veronica White became the first visitor to our home in Austria. She and her friend Lorie had just completed a 5 day cycling tour through Switzerland. We were their final destination before heading back home to ... (drum roll please) ... "OOOOOOKLAHOMA ... where the wind comes sweeping down the plains" .
It was fun taking them around our city and experiencing it through their eyes. Even though we are newcomers to Vienna, we could tell we had accomplished some mile markers in the short time we've been here. We were able to take them (via public transportation) to the really touristy places downtown. We were able to order ice cream, in German, and get the right things. And we gave them the ultimate Vienna experience by eating in a Beer Garten complete with Wiener schnitzel and Almduler (a traditional apple drink). For those of you who haven't met my friend Veronica, you are missing out. I'm pretty sure she sang every rendition of "The Hills are Alive" ever known to man. It wasn't annoying, it was sweet. It wasn't obnoxious, it was sweet. It didn't get on any one's nerves, it was sweet. She didn't drive anybody crazy, it was sweet. Am I rambling? I can't tell because all I can hear in my head is the sound of her voice singing, "The Hills Are Alive"... AGH!
For those of you who would like to get our newsletter, I'll tell you about the most amazing experience we had on Saturday! Just let me know in the comment section of our blog if you would like to receive it. Let me just wet your whistle with a teaser ... it was a 10 hour party and that's all I have to say about that!
Random things you may or may not want to know about:
1. We have received 4 packages of Brownie Mix, 2 things of cotton balls, ear plugs to clog every ear in Vienna, peanut butter, and Burts Bees. One word: WOW!! Thank you all who made us feel so loved!
2. Chris had a major epiphany this week when he ever so profoundly made this statement: "You don't appreciate the present until it becomes a part of your past." Let that soak in awhile.
3. We had hail last Thursday night. Felt just like being at home.
4. Parker is getting a free loaf of bread from our local bakery for having a birthday.
5. I have the next birthday, and just like Parker, I too will be in the double-digits.
6. A mixed salad here means 2 kinds of sour kraut, carrots and potato salad on a plate.
7. Libby is officially going to a bilingual school in September.
8. A typical Viennese Breakfast consists of rolls, bread, butter, jam, soft boiled egg, meats and cheeses and of course, coffee!
9. You sometimes have to pay to use the ... potty.
10. We welcome any one who wants to be our second visitors in our home in Austria!!
I can't wait to come!!
ReplyDeletePlease send me your newsletter. So do you like eggs now or are you still grossed out by them? How much does the potty cost?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you have us down to get your news letter but if not put us down. It's soo funny that I can hear you talking when I read your blogs and this time it seemed like you were high on SUGAR!!!
ReplyDeleteRegarding #2- "You've got to put your past in your behind" - Pumba, The Lion King.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Chris, Christina, Addison, Parker, and Libby for hosting Lorie and I...we had such a great time being in your corner of the world. It is a sweet space-and you have made it feel like "home"...especially with that fabulous shelf on the wall!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to sing again in your home. Please tell your neighbors how wonderful it was to meet them! Love, Love, Love you all-Veronica
We need a newletter, i'm sure !!! are you e-mailing them?
ReplyDeleteif so, we are at
I'm famous. I made the blog!
ReplyDeleteI would like to begin receiving your newsletter and would also enjoy discussing the possibility of a project in 2010. My email address is and my cell is 405-326-6041.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your service,
Bill VanBuskirk
Minister of Global Missions
FBC Moore,OK.