Monumental Moments
This week I watched my oldest go off to high school, my middle child say she loves school, and told my youngest she was too heavy for Mommy to carry. To the silent observer these are no big things. To the author of this blog, a huge monumental moment.
Since being displaced from our home in Oklahoma the end of November '08 and being in transition until the end of March '09, this week has been the first "normal" we've experienced in a very long time! Somehow getting back into the groove of school starting is a natural routine setter. This was our first repeat experience in Austria that we could hold on to as establishing a routine. For these Elledge's this has been a huge monumental moment.
Yesterday, Chris, Libby and I went to IKEA to finish purchasing what we needed for the last curtain hanging projects around our flat. We had a rather short list, found our goods, didn't even get a free coffee, and made it home is less than 2 hours ... and that's including travel time. Now, this may be no small feat for IKEA shoppers in the U.S., but for we Austrian IKEA shoppers, still wrestling with our new language, this was a huge monumental moment.
Chris, all by himself, tackled an administrative duty related to our driver's license. Did I mention he did this all by himself? He traversed the underground system, using a new line never traveled by his feet, waiting in line in the burro for all things auto, and managed to tell the clerks of his need to make progress with the application process of our auto licenses. Again, did I mention he did this all by himself? All I can say is this, my friends, was another monumental moment.
Speaking of Chris, God has used high blood pressure to transform this go getting, high energy, let's move it, kind a guy to a more, relaxed go getting, high energy, let's move it kind of guy who listens to God more intently and less to his natural ambitions. God made Chris Elledge (may I just personally say I think this is a monumental moment, Chris' creation, blush, blush). God uses Chris' go getting, high energy, let's move it, kind of guy for Him. However, I believe Chris is letting God direct all his qualities in a way he's never let Him before. Again, all I can say is this is another monumental moment.
For those of you who know us well, Friday night in the Elledge Home is sacred:" Friday Night in the Big Town" to be exact. For years Friday nights have been characterized by making homemade nachos, drinking soda, watching a good movie, and falling asleep on the living room floor. We've tried to maintain this tradition during our transition with hit-and-miss success. However, last night we officially reinstated our family ritual. Menu: nachos made with Cheddar cheese (a hard to find commodity in Vienna, ended up paying 6 Euro for enough to make one pan) homemade guacamole, homemade salsa, and American Ginger Ale (at 1.79 Euro for a 1 Liter). Entertainment: the travel channel on our new found satellite system. Bedtime: undetermined! We are back, baby!! Yet again, another monumental moment!
I love the name of that church that is on your little screw box....hahaha! I absoutly love hearing that you guys are finally getting to a settled in point. It's amazing and alittle strange to see that God is changing Chris into being more relaxed. For all the years of knowing you guys Chris has always been a "go getter" and "lets get this done...NOW!" Even though you guys are getting settled in better it still seems soo hard for us that you guys are gone, We still miss you guys just as much today. We love you guys and we will talk to you soon! -John
ReplyDeleteHey Chickie!! So glad you guys are having a sense of feeling normal!! Hooray for "Friday nights in the big town".....boy do I miss Gary England! :) What a great thing to have Parker love school!! God is good isn't he? We have been praying for Chris and are so glad to hear that he is doing well! We continue to lift you all up and love your family dearly!! Oh..and please eat a nacho for me...Mmmm, cheddar cheese!
ReplyDeletethey had free coffee at e-kay-a? I will have to come back for my free cup...:)
ReplyDeleteI read in one of your entries that you miss some American food. I came across this page: It's a food store in Vienna and they sell some American products. - Schleifmühlgasse 8 - Bobby's Foodstore