The Party's Over or Elvis Has Left the Building!
Well, the first day of school is upon us. We were ready. We had breakfast together. The day was tackled with optimism. Armed with a few new clothes and a pocket full of hopes for the new year, they are gone. At least the two older ones are gone ... Libby has two more weeks left before starting her new bilingual school September 7th. Funny how every year I think "Wow, where did the summer go?" I'm sure I will be one of those little old ladies who tell all young mothers in the line at the grocery store, "Honey, enjoy those little ones. The time goes so fast." Of course I won't be the typical old lady, wearing sensible shoes and knee highs ... unless I find those shoes to be comfortable!
Today also marked the last day of vacation for the Elledge's; now it's back to the old grind! Actually, I am really looking forward to a new routine. This starting school and work thing feels really normal ... and it's nice to have a normal!
We celebrated Libby's 6th birthday this past Friday. Since she can't read, I will post an embarrassing little tid bit about her. If anyone tells her, I will deny writing such awful things! She is in love with Elvis! At one of my favorite second-hand stores, I found an old Elvis movie, "Spin Out". I highly recommend it if you are in the mood for cheesy/corny/smoochy Elvis. Anyway, apparently this was the first Libby laid eyes on the once-upon-a-star Elvis. She was infatuated! She, and this is no exaggerated lie like I usually tell, has watched this movie at least 6 times! She knows all his songs by heart, wanted us to get her an Elvis poster for her room, and wanted to put this poster right by her bed so she could see him as she falls asleep! I don't know if this is super cute ... or borderline obsession! None the less, pray for us. At some point we will have to tell her he's not alive and died as an overweight 42 year old ... but that's a whole other blog post!
Wanted to share something God pointed out to me this morning. I was reading in Exodus. Israel has grown into a powerful nation, just like God told Abraham when he had no children back in Genesis 15. Now, his descendants are numerous and threatening the Pharaoh. You can read the plight of Israel, it's not pretty. They become slaves and 400 years later Moses steps in ... you get the picture.
So, why do I tend to think that bad circumstances mean God has forgotten me? It was in the bad circumstances of Israel that God fulfilled His prophecy to Abraham. Even though Pharaoh tried to kill Hebrew babies, Israel prospered! I began looking back at all things "bad": my struggles with anxiety, my brother-in-law Rodney's cancer, my friend Carrie's cancer, Chris's ER stay recently ...all things that I first think of as bad. But, when I dig a little deeper, all I can see is the good that has come out of those circumstances. Then, God gave me this thought: the greatest news ever presented to man was delivered by way of the cross.
If we believe God's Word to be true, we must reevaluate our view of what's "bad". God says that He works all things out for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. I've got to have a shift in perspective. Not that I'm gonna look forward to the next tragedy in my life, but oh that I would see the next tragedy as an opportunity to see God's good working in my life!
I want my girls to make friends this school year. That seems to be the biggest concern this first day of school. However, if they don't find that kindred spirit, it's not the end of the world. Maybe it's an opportunity for them to experience the closeness of God in a real way!
Enough for now ... the party is over and Elvis has left the building!
You are such a blessing!
ReplyDeleteAnd guess what?! I leaped (concerning school) and imagine Who caught me?! He provided all the funds and the classes (that were closed the day before) on the deadline for payment/registration. Talk about some confirmation! Thank you so very much for the encouragement. :)
Christina...were you an english major? Your writings are really good-everytime...really good. I'm amazed...I love you...happy first day of school and fire up for Language School! Yes!
ReplyDeleteGirlfriend, you are a riot!! Love to read about your life and we are praying that the girls love their school and do find a kindred spirit!
ReplyDeleteThank you....thank you very much!!, I mean Justine :)