I've Got the Power

Be strong.


Be strong in nothing that you can do but in everything that God has already done; it's in His Mighty Power that you can rest assured you've got the power.I've Got the Power

Stand because of what God has given you.  To stand (as Paul writes in Ephesians 6:10-18) is not an option but a PROMISE.  You will stand.  There will be a battle, but YOU WILL BE STANDING STRONG.

We are not called to be weak-kneed, hiding behind the corner kind of people.  Mighty Power doesn't describe wimps and scaredy cats.  We are not "all that" on our own ...but in Christ we are!  If we are IN Him, through Christ, then the POWER lives in us.

Let's hear it again for the Power Rangers!  That's who we are!

Getting riled up,
