An Author, a Letter and the "Church"

I've read articles about how other Christians should not bash "the Church".  Despite what traditional church-going people might deduct from some of my writing, I am not a basher of "the Church".  I am a stander-upper-for-the-truth-and-let's-call-religion-religion-and-not-"the Church" supporter.  Make sense?

I love the opening of a letter I read today.  The letter was addressed to a group of Christians.  It starts out like this,

Dear Christians, 
I'm writing to all of you who follow God and have accepted Jesus as God's son.  I'm writing to you who are taking serious this new identity you have in Christ and the transforming power you are experiencing through the Holy Spirit and not of any good deeds you are doing in your church.  I'm even writing to the leaders!

Ha!  I love it!  The author wanted to make clear that these compliments to their pure follow"ship" (not a word - I just made it up) of Jesus included the leaders!  Apparently, he wanted to clear that up because it was assumed that most leaders didn't fall into this category!

Later on in this letter, the author describes his recipients of his well-constructed words as seeing "righteous character being produced in their lives by Jesus".  Note, he didn't say anything about what they "did".  Doing was not rewarded with accolades.  Being was the core value.

Near the end of his letter, he says that the "Spirit of Jesus Christ [the Holy Spirit] helps him".  Note, he didn't say the new conference on how to reach others.  He didn' say the new study Bible with super inductive notes.  He did say "the Holy Spirit".  You know, the Comforter, the reminder of all Truth, the one who gives power, the One who transforms.

This author was talking to "the Church".  This author was not talking to a religious institution.  How do I know?  It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this one out.  Look at how he describes and talks about them:

  • I give thanks for you.
  • I pray for you guys with joy.
  • I see you as partners.
  • I see Christ working in you.
  • You have a special place in my heart.
  • I love you so much and long to be you.
How many times have you had these kind of genuine "warm fuzzies" about fellow attenders of a religious institution, much less the leaders of such a thing?  Ouch.

Yes, formal, organized "churches" can and often do fall into this category the author of this letter is referring to.  I've been a part of some and am grateful that I know of others who could say the same. But let's just be honest, how many of us have been in the other camp?  The camp of religious institutions that were anything but loving, having Christ rule in their hearts, knew the role of the Holy Spirit and weren't afraid of any display of Him working, or had rulers leaders that on the same level as the rest of the folks?

And, lest you think for one moment this is a new soap box to an emerging theme, guess again.  This author is Paul.  The letter to the Philippians.

Resting my case and loving "the Church",
