But wait, there's more!

So compelled am I by God's truth, I have to camp out a little more on this Ephesians bit on the "in between".  After all the things promised through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit ...

  • Christs' home address being your heart (Eph. 3:17)
  • Deep roots into God's love and strength (Eph. 3:17)
  • Power to understand how high, wide, long and deep God's love is for you (Eph. 3:18)
  • Made complete with all fullness of life and power from God (Eph. 3:19)
...there's more!!  I'ts like those old commercials for Ginsu Knives:  

For the low, low price of $19.99, you get a knife that can split a log and still slice through a tomato.  But wait, there's more!  They will even give you knives that can cut nails, tile, and tin cans and still slice through a hard-boiled egg and slice bread.  What is the worth of 13 knives that can do such slicing, chopping, dicing, cleaving and cutting?  What?  There's still more?  They come with a 50 year guarantee!

So, you get the picture.  If I want a knife that I can cut a can of beer open in one moment and turn around and slice a tomato in the next, I know just where to go.  However, if I'm just wanting to live a life with power, I'm going to take Ephesians 3:20 as a promise - not as a pipe dream.
Now, all glory to God, who is able through His mighty power at work in you, to accomplish infinitely more than you might ask or think.
Here we go again kids - this Trinity in action!  God gets the glory because He is able, through the power of the Holy Spirit that resides in me, because of what Christ did on the cross, to accomplish MORE ... INFINITELY MORE than I ask or imagine.

Did you get that?  HE does the accomplishing through the Holy Spirit.  Therein lies the disconnect.  I fear the Church has forgotten this part.  Strategy, planning, working, marketing, blogging, book selling - all those things may have gotten us fruit.  But, when we risk taking God at His Word and surrender to the work of the Holy Spirit in us, that's where Ephesians 3:20 things start happening ...on a regular basis!  That's when we see the Spirit work and we follow.  Best part:  we accomplish more ... INFINITELY MORE than we can ask or imagine.

And, it's all to God's glory.  When the Holy Spirit does his power work in our lives, it's God that gets the glory.  The church has worked hard to earn God's favor but they've missed releasing their rights and surrending to the Holy Spirit.  How do I know?  If the Chruch had fully surrendered to the Holy Spirit and taken their hands off the stirring wheel of religion, the world would be so in love with Jesus, so committed to following and glorifying God, and so full of power.

The Church is awakening.  There are brave souls throwing aside religion and embracing God's Word for what it is - TRUTH and POWER.

Dare to be a Power Ranger,
