Vacation Time and Birthday Celbrations!

We Elledge's have spent the last 7 days in our home, hibernating. We are officially calling this "vacation". To get 5 people on the same page, all wanting to merely stay indoors, watch movies, take naps, and basically do nothing is nothing short of a miracle! Yet, that is precisely what we have done!

The most complicated thing we've pursued while being in hibernation has been to coordinate our meals with the movie of the night. For example, we had beans,potatoes and cornbread on the night we watched "Oklahoma". We had Asian food on the night we watched "Anna and the King". And, on the night we watched "Anne of Greene Gables" we had chicken pot pie. Not really sure why this dish, but Addison said it fit!

Yesterday, my birthday (still time to send belated greetings, cards, gifts, boxes, gift certificates, money orders, etc.)was the first day we ventured out of the house. My cute and creative family, prompted by only a few thousand hints from me, gave me a birthday certificate book. Included in this book were certificates for little treasures that made me happy: a trip to the ice cream shop, getting some garden stuff, some new pens, a pedicure, and a bracelet from my favorite Kiosk in the mall. The day was topped off by Addison preparing me an authentic Austrian meal of schnitzel, pommes frits, salat, and an IKEA Torte (tasted like a frozen Almond Joy bar). Trying to live up to my self-imposed image of Mary Poppins, "practically perfect in every way", I gave my girls a little gift of my own. We pulled off the girls mattress from their beds, dragged them into the living room floor and had an all-girls sleep over party, while falling asleep to an Elvis movie "Spin Out". It was a perfectly cozy day and one I shall remember when I'm older and grayer!

Because of our recent hibernation status, our brains have been on idle as well. The only other thing to report on this week is our recent discovery of how to buy water hoses Austrian style. We discovered this while I was using my garden coupon yesterday. Note the picture. Apparently, water hoses are purchased without the ends to them. Those come extra. You can buy a kit or you can buy hosing by the meter, pick out the end of your choice, and have a self-designed water hose.

I told you, it was a slow news week. Perhaps this next week will be more exciting as we clamour about trying to get ready for the start of a new school year. We are in mourning as this is the first year in who knows how long we won't be going shopping with DaBaw (the girls Grandma in Oklahoma). No, we go it alone this year. With fear and trembling I take 3 girls who need pants and school supplies out by myself without the backup of a middle-aged woman who can use her shopping prowess to maneuver in and out of Kohl's like a stealth predator, finding the best deals, biggest coupon savings, and the best place to get a diet coke in the process! It's a big job, filling the shoes of such a shopping icon. I only hope her force will be with us. Perhaps God will smile at my attempts and part the sale waters and give us everything we need at the first store. He is the God of the impossible!!

Until next week,



  1. So glad to hear you had a wonderful birthday! We are gearing up for Katie to start the 3rd grade and Charley to start Mother's Day Out at Trinity Lutheran School. I am a little nervous, I hope Charley does not beat any of the children up and I get a phone call saying "Mrs.Beltz come get your Charley!" He has a sweet heart, but a very aggressive little boy he is. Love you!

  2. You ought to try watching Finding Nemo and eating fish sticks. Shannon used to have Samuel and Katie eat fish sticks and watch that movie at the same time. I would tell her, "that's just wrong"!
    I am soo glad to see that you guys are able to veg out before school starts again for everybody. We miss you guys very much and I hope you had a wonderful birthday! Love you!

  3. Okay so laugh at me if you must (okay, I'd laugh if it were you also!! :)) I am so glad that you had a great birthday! Hugs to you my friend and I am glad you had a whole week to hunker down with the fam and just chill!! Miss you, why didn't God make Asia closer to Europe?? :) Apparently one of us is out of His will! Hahahaha

  4. Happy Birthday! I am glad you got some time to relax! I pray that the girls will have a blessed and successful school year. Praying for you!
