Waiting for Departure

My oldest is making her way ... out.  She is preparing for departure.  She's checked in and waiting for boarding.  

As she lay sleeping in her bed last night, I sneaked in.  This grown up girl still resembles the tiny baby that I brought home from the hospital.  As she lay sleeping, unaware of my presence, I kissed her sweet face. She didn't know my heart was breaking.  She didn't know I wished for more of her childhood to be redeemed - somehow relived.  She didn't know how I longed to be present in every moment of her future.  She didn't know nor can she until she's kissing the face of her sweet child.

Because I know the Keeper of her heart, I know she will be OK ... and so will I.  It doesn't keep the tears from sliding down my face or the ache in my heart to stop ... it just makes it bearable.

This letting go business is hard.  She sees the good, the exciting, the new.  I see the letting go, the times I want to comfort and can't, the separation.  On this side of the experience, it feels unbearable.  It won't be ... but it sure feels like it.

Here's the deal.  That plane hasn't arrived yet ... and she may be waiting for boarding ... but we've got some time left!
